Saturday, March 31, 2012


So I'm finally starting my blog :) I created it months ago but never got around to actually doing anything with it!

Well this past year has gone extremely quickly for us. It's almost our 1st anniversary already! We got married on June 4, so it's been about 10 months. We've had our ups and downs for sure but it definitely has been the best year of my life so far! I feel so blessed to have the gospel in our life. The Lord has given us so much. My testimony has really grown over this past year. I love Jesus Christ and His church, and I know that it is true! I have such a wonderful husband, I'm so lucky to have found him! I'm so grateful for everything we have :)

Just to fill you in on our first year of marriage...

We had such a fun summer! We spent lots of time with family and friends, went to Bear Lake, East Canyon, the cabin, Donut Falls, Las Vegas, Antelope Island, and Lagoon of course.

We had my family visit us in the Fall, which was really awesome! Jared spent 2 weeks with us before he went on his mission. He is now serving in Vancouver, Canada. We are so proud of him! My mom stayed in SLC for almost 3 months. It was really nice to have her around :) And Hugh was able to come for a few days before Jared entered the MTC.

Winter was not really winter to me.. it was amazing! I don't like the cold, and it was the warmest winter ever! Our first Christmas together was really special. Derek and I both LOVE Christmas so much, it was really nice! I turned 21 and Derek turned 25 in January. I got my new job at Cobble Creek apartments. I love my job, it was my sister's job but she's staying home with her kids now :) I got hired at part time, but now I'm full time, so it worked out perfectly! Derek is working and going to school at SLCC.

Spring is pretty much here and I wish it could stay Spring all year round - not too hot and not too cold! Our lease is up in June so we've started house hunting! We are really trying to stay in the area we're in right now, preferably more in Sugarhouse. But we are keeping our options open. Life is super busy right now, but I'm really excited for this next chapter in our life! :)


  1. Yahoo! Another blog to follow! Makes me happy to hear how happy your life is and I love to hear your testimony! I love you to pieces and can't wait to meet Derek one day!

  2. Jackie it's fun to read your blog. I'll be sad when you guys move but it'll be fun to have a house. Good luck on your search!!!
