Friday, May 18, 2012


On Mother's Day we got to talk on the phone with my brother Jared who is on his mission right now. It was so nice! I miss him a lot. I'm so proud of him, he is a great missionary! I know he finds so much joy in serving the Lord. He has been in his first area, Prince Rupert for 6 months now. Prince Rupert is a small town in northern BC, Canada, close to Alaska. I really look up to him, and I'm thankful for his dedication, and faith. 

Elder Smith with his district

A couple weeks ago I got to take photos of Jed & Tara's cute little twins. Jed is Derek's cousin. Their babies, Kaden and Brooklyn just turned 1 and they are so adorable! It was windy outside so they got a little cold, but it was really fun! 

Gailey Family

The house search is still in progress. We didn't find anything for about 3 weeks until this week a house in Midvale came up. It's not in our ideal area, but it's still in a nice area. And I really love the house! We put the bid in on Thursday and we will find out Monday or Tuesday. If this is not meant to be our house, then in about a month we will be moving into Derek's Mom's to stay until we buy one instead of renewing our lease.  It's hard to be patient at times, but I just need to keep reminding myself that the longer it takes the more savings we will have to fix it up or put towards our down payment. 

So lately I have been feeling extremely tired (as you may already know)! I have also been getting head-aches every day, and just feeling physically, emotionally and mentally drained. It may be due to the fact that I went from not working for a year and a half to working so much. I haven't had that much time to exercise, or make healthy meals and that really bothers me. My schedule is from 10-7 so I don't have that much time in the morning OR in the evening to do what I want to do because I would wake up feeling so exhausted and mad, and then come home tired and would just want to relax. I also was feeling a little disconnected from the spirit because of my fatigue. I really didn't like the way I was starting to feel. I remembered how great I felt after I did the 3 week Standard Process cleanse last year. Before when I did it, I wanted to lose weight. But this time I just really wanted to feel good! So I decided to do it again, but as a fast. So basically I was fasting from everything except for fruits & vegetables for half and then I added chicken breast on the 10th day. You also have shakes 2-3 times a day. I fasted for several things that I am in need of right now in my life. Today is my last day on my cleanse and I feel so much better! I have a strong testimony in the word of wisdom, and I truly believe that in order to feel close to the spirit we need to follow it, be healthy, and feed our bodies with good, wholesome, nutritious food! It can be hard, and I'm not perfect at it, but even if we just make an effort to incorporate more and more good food into our life, eventually it will become easier and you will start to enjoy healthy meals. I feel so much better physically, which in turn makes me feel better spiritually. I received a special confirmation that I needed and I'm so grateful for the blessings of fasting. 

Here is the link for info on the Standard Process Purification Program if you are interested. 

Today is a great day for another reason, I finished the Book of Mormon for my second time. I love this book with all my heart. I know that it truly is the word of God, and another testament of Jesus Christ. I feel very blessed to have it in my life. I know that if anyone prayerfully reads it with real intent, seeking for truth, and asks God if it is true, they will know for themselves in their hearts that it is true! I know that Jesus Christ, our redeemer lives! He loves each and every one of us and wants us to make it back to our Heavenly Father. I know that through His gospel, is the only way to eternal happiness. I have been on the other side, and I was lost. I don't know who that person was. But I'm so happy that I'm not that person anymore. I know the atonement is real and it works, I have witnessed it in my own life time and time again. I am so grateful for the truths and knowledge that I have. I love my Savior. I love the scriptures and I know they can change lives. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. 

I love this picture

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all you wonderful mothers out there! I am so thankful for my mom, whom I have learned so much from. I have had many amazing woman in my life to thank for who I am today. Thank you to every woman who has been an example to me throughout my life. As long as I can remember I have always wanted to be a mother. I think that's why I really admire all the great moms I know. I know it's hard work, but I also know it must be the most rewarding job a woman could ever have! I'm extremely thankful for the opportunity we have as women to bear children, raise and teach them, and especially love them. I am so excited to teach my children the gospel of Jesus Christ and watch them grow and build their own testimonies. It is such a divine calling and I just cannot wait to become a mother!

Two of the amazing mothers I know :)