Friday, July 20, 2012


We celebrated our anniversary last month on June 4th. I can't believe it's been 1 year already! Where has the time gone? Time always flies by so fast for me, and it seems like it just keeps going faster and faster the older I get. Anyways, for our anniversary we wanted to do something special but we didn't want to spend too much money. We ended up going up to Park City for the weekend since we haven't ever spent much time there. It was my first time to Main Street and I loved it. I love cute, little, historic towns. We stayed at the Westgate Resort. We got a great deal and it was SO NICE! We loved our room. We went up Friday and came back Sunday morning. It was a nice romantic getaway for the weekend.

I am so blessed to have Derek in my life. He is such an amazing person and husband. I never imagined I would marry someone as great as him. I don't know what I did to deserve him.. but I guess Heavenly Father knew that I needed him. Ever since I was young, I always felt in my heart that I needed to come to Salt Lake. I am thankful that I had the opportunity to come here so I could meet my wonderful husband. If it wasn't for my family (especially my sister), I probably would not be here and would have never met Derek. That just shows me how God has a plan for us and if we follow our heart and have faith, he will guide us. I love you, Derek :)
Best day of my life!

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