Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Beautiful Miracle of Pregnancy!

Since I haven't posted anything about my pregnancy yet, I will start from the beginning. Around our anniversary back in June we decided it was definitely time to start trying for a baby. I had wanted to start trying since the day we got married but we both felt like there were some things we wanted to work on first. So I had to be very patient. So for months before our 1 year anniversary we prayed and felt like around June was a good time to start trying. We didn't know if we would be able to get pregnant right away or if it was going to take a few months, or a year. Looking at my family history, I was hopeful that I would get pregnant right away because that was normal for my side of the family. But, I didn't want to expect that and be very disappointed if it took several months or even longer. So I tried to just have faith and put it in the Lord's hands and see how things went. Well half way through the month we found out that I had an ovarian cyst. The family doctor I saw was very against me getting pregnant (even before she knew about the cyst). Once she found out I had a cyst she told me that I really should not get pregnant until it clears away. I didn't feel right about this and felt like she just didn't want me to have babies - well because she told me she didn't. We stopped trying for a couple weeks until I could get a second opinion. I went to see a mid-wife and she told me that she isn't worried about it at all and it was probably already gone. She told me we should continue to try if that's what I wanted. I was happy to hear that. So the following week I was ovulating and you know what that means :) A few days before my missed period I tested and it was negative. I was sad but thought it still might be too early even though it says you can test 6 days before.. So on the day I was expecting my period I tested again and it was negative. But that time I don't think I waited long enough because I was anticipating a negative result. Four more days passed by and still nothing so I was like what's going on! And that day I was SO tired, I fell asleep after church on the couch, and that NEVER happens to me. So I felt like I should test again. This time I tested differently and I actually timed it with a timer. I cannot express in words how happy I was when I saw the positive pregnancy test. I started bawling like a baby :) I got on my knees and thanked my Heavenly Father and then I called Derek to tell him. He thought I was hurt at first because I was crying, haha. He was really excited. I kept looking at the test over and over again still in disbelief. I have wanted to be a mom for as long as I can remember and I couldn't believe that it was actually happening. It was an amazing moment that I will never forget :)

So far my pregnancy has been really good! A lot easier than I had expected. We found out we were pregnant a few days before our trip to Canada. On the trip I was extremely tired the whole time. I had to take lots of naps (very strange for me). But as soon as we got home, I wasn't fatigued any more so that was good. I've only had a few moments of very mild nausea that is barely noticeable and every time it only lasts a few minutes or even seconds. I haven't thrown up or been sick at all so I'm VERY thankful for that. The only thing that is bothering me is my back. I already had lower back pain before my pregnancy, and it's gotten worse now. I haven't really had any cravings, but a lot of things I used to enjoy don't taste as good anymore. For example, chocolate! I am usually SUCH a chocoholic and can NEVER resist chocolate but since I've been pregnant, I  don't like chocolate as much. Or any sweets in that case. It's the weirdest thing! But I guess that's a good thing because I want to eat healthy anyways. I'm exercising every day during the week and I have been able to continue light running which I am happy about because I love to run.

So this whole time Derek and I thought we were having a girl... and it turns out it's a little baby boy! But we are really happy and excited! It was amazing to see him moving around on the ultrasound. I thought I would be a lot bigger by now, but now that I know everything is okay, I'm actually happy I'm not big yet. This week my belly seems like it's starting to pop out (for real and not just bloating), and I can actually feel the pressure of my uterus when I touch my belly right below my belly button. I love it! I am almost half way through my pregnancy! I love being pregnant :) I think it's the most exciting and miraculous thing. I love seeing my body change and believe it or not but I like seeing the number on the scale go up because it tells me my baby is growing! I can't wait to see our little creation. I think he is going to look like a mini Derek, hehe. But it's very possible that we might have a red-headed little boy, so don't be surprised if that's the case, haha.

I feel so extremely blessed and I am so excited to be a mom. I feel like I've been waiting to start my family for an eternity and the time is finally here! I know Derek is going to be an amazing father and I am so blessed to have him as my husband. I am so thankful for families and for our temple sealing. It's a wonderful thing to know that we can be with our family forever :)

Little alien :)

If you have any boy names, preferably not so common ones, PLEASE share! :)

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you are old enough to have a baby! I remember teaching you in sunday school. I am so excited for you to bring this little boy into the world!
