Friday, September 6, 2013


I haven't posted anything about the rest of our Summer. I can't believe Summer is already ending. Usually I am so anxious for Fall but this year I am kind of sad we didn't get to do a lot of things I had planned like go to Bear Lake and try to go to Pineview again. Oh well, we still did lots of fun things.

Seven Peaks:
We got the Pass of All Passes this year, which is mainly for Seven Peaks but also applies to other things. We got it at a steal of a deal! I only took Noah to Seven Peaks twice, but at least our pass will go through next summer too so by then I'll be able to take him more often. I went with my friend Jenny from our ward who also has a pass and has a daughter about 5 months older than Noah. I wish I took some pictures but I don't have a smart phone. Noah seemed to like going in the pools though. It probably felt really nice because of how hot it was! The first time we went I thought he was going to get heat stroke, he was so red! Derek never got to come with us though.

BBQ & Swim:
Even though Derek never got to see Noah "swim" at Seven Peaks, we did take him in the pool at his Grandparents BBQ. They had a kiddie pool set up so we took him in for a bit. However, this time I don't think he enjoyed it as much - it was right after a thunder storm so the sun wasn't even out. But at least Derek was able to have the experience with him. We got to spend some quality time with the fam, we hadn't seen them since East Canyon family photos in July.

The pictures were taken with Derek's phone so they're not the best.

Sophia got to play too :)


Noah with Papa Finch

Last month I started babysitting my niece, Sophia (who is 2) during the day while her parents are at work. I babysit 3-5 days a week. So I'm kind of getting a little taste of what it's like to have two kids already. Some days are hard when Noah is having a rough time with naps but Sophia is actually a pretty mellow toddler. She takes a long nap during the day too so that makes it easier. We are going to start potty training! Sophia loves Noah and I taught her how to say his name (instead of "baby") but she says it like "no" hehe, she's so cute. Lately she wants to hold him. She'll hold her arms out and say "hold" so one time I bent down so she could hug him and she put her hands around his neck thinking I was going to let her hold him. It made me laugh, I found it funny that she was planning on holding him from his neck.

She's so fun :)

Basement Project:
The boys have been working really hard on the basement the past 2 weeks. On Labor Day weekend they got SO much done! I was very proud. They are almost completely done with sheet-rock! Yay! I'm starting to get really excited to have the family room!

More pictures from August...

Derek's mom doesn't see Noah that often so it was nice that she came to visit him one day after work. 

Noah with his cousin, Vivienne

She is 2 months younger than him - aren't they cute

A visit from Aunt Jessie - blowing raspberries, as always

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