Sunday, August 25, 2013

I Love To See The Temple

When Derek and I were dating, we were anxious for me to get my temple recommend so we could go to the temple together. Once I got it, we made a goal to go every week. I have a strong testimony that this helped us get through our first year of marriage. I'm not going to lie, the first year was tough. Particularly the first 6 months when I wasn't able to work yet. But as we continued to go to the temple, it brought countless blessings into our lives and our marriage. I remember one time where we literally had all of our problems solved within a few weeks, it was like one huge blessing after another. I know this was because we continued on with our temple goal.

After we moved into our home in January, things were pretty hectic. Because of work and Derek's school schedule we weren't able to go every week anymore and our temple attendance really slowed down. A few months later and Noah was born. This of course made it even more difficult.

This week we finally made it to the temple again! Thankfully, my mom was able to babysit Noah for us. It was so nice to be back. We went to the Bountiful temple so we could see the new movie. I just love the peacefulness you feel as soon as you go inside. And they are so beautiful and bright.

For me, it really brings me back into perspective of what matters and what doesn't. I can get so caught up in the world and when I'm in the temple I'm reminded of what my purpose is here on this earth. And of course through out the week it's easy to get caught up in the world again. This is why it's so important to go often.

As we were driving up to the Bountiful temple, I was looking at all the beautiful homes right across the street and I thought, wow, what would it be like to have this magnificent building, the House of the Lord right in front of you when you open your front door or look out the window? I would just love that! But even though we don't live right across the street from a temple, we have at least 5 temples within a 30 minute drive. That's just in the Salt Lake valley, drive a little further and there's a few more! That's amazing. You read stories about families that have to work their whole lives (and work hard labor jobs) to save enough money to take their family to the nearest temple, and I think, wow WE ARE SO BLESSED!

I love hearing about new temples being built. The new temple in Calgary makes me so happy. I know how much joy that brought to all the members there and I can imagine it's bringing more people to the church just by people being curious in what this building is. The church is growing so fast, it's awesome!

Salt Lake City Temple, 
Hugh's visit to SLC, Christmas 2010

Oquirrh Mountain Temple
Jared's Endowment, November 2011

Halifax Temple
Canada Vacation, August 2012

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