Friday, August 8, 2014

Early Summer Months {2014}

Since I no longer have time to write separate posts about everything, I will just merge a few things together right here.

On the Fourth of July we did the usual, Bill & Nori's party. Bill scared Derek by telling him this might be the last year - they celebrated 25 years this July - because we have our own families now and less people are going to come from now on. But it ended up being just as big of a hit as every year so I think we'll be back at it again next Fourth of July.

As always, we had a great time with our family. Lots of tasty food and desserts, and fun fireworks. Also, Chris and Nancy and their kids were here that week. Chris had to go back to Seattle early but Nancy and the kids were able to make it to the party as well. Noah wasn't as scared of the fireworks as last time but I think it was still a bit loud for him towards the end.

So, we don't know who this girl is. She was a neighborhood kid that was obsessed with Noah. Literally wouldn't put him down. She ended up being in majority of the pictures, haha. 

But apparently Noah was okay with her

Jed & Tara gave us some ear plugs for Noah, lol. He didn't keep them in very long.

A tired baby after a long night. I'm realizing now that I actually got a picture similar to this last Fourth of July. Tradition in the making.. ?? Haha. 

Vivienne turned ONE at the end of June. Tory and Vanessa had a birthday party for her at Liberty Park the weekend before their wedding. Vivienne loved her cake and had fun digging her hands (and feet!) into it. What a cutie! I'm so glad Noah has a cousin close to his age.

We didn't do anything super special for Father's Day. Derek loves waffles for breakfast (as do I) so I attempted to make a "healthy" waffle with coconut flour. The recipe I followed did not work out and it ended up being waffle batter mush. I should have just made him his normal waffles for Father's Day! Stupid me.

We went to visit Derek's dad for a little bit and I had a nice talk with my dad on the phone.

I got my new camera that weekend so I wanted to play around with it. My new camera is a Canon 6D with a 24-105mm lens. I really it. I took some cute pictures of Derek and Noah at the park that day.

I didn't know any toddler photography techniques back then. Hopefully I can get a lot more pictures of Noah looking at the camera now! But I don't know, he really likes looking around. 

We went up to the cabin a few weeks ago. Derek's grandparents were there all week, but everyone else was going up on Saturday. Since I have class Saturday night we stayed the night Friday instead. So it was just us and Grandma and Grandpa Finch. It was nice to spend time with just them. They have some interesting stories and we actually had some really great talks. Grandpa Finch told us some spiritual experiences he had that we had never heard before. It was nice to relax and play cards and enjoy the beautiful scenery.



That cute little smile :)

They're so cute

Brad and Ethan were in the area as well so they stopped by and did some fishing

He loves to throw sand

Dustin dropped off Sophia late that night but she was able to spend Saturday morning with us

Bright morning sun

We had to take some pictures for school while we were up there

I thought this one was funny. Don't ask. 

Trying to show symmetry

Summer is coming to an end soon! I'll post more of our adventures as I find some time!

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