Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Noah turns TWO!

My little buddy is getting so big! We had a birthday party for him at the park. We had a BBQ with some friends and family members. We kept it super simple this year. We got him a Thomas the train  birthday cake because he loves trains. We also got him a train set from Ikea. He loves it! It was a great little party. He got lots of cute clothes and fun toys. It is always nice to have our family get together.

A few weeks before Noah's birthday we got him his toddler bed in preparation for the baby arriving. It's great because it extends out to a twin bed. I am loving how his new "big boy" room is turning out.  The first little while he did good with his bed but lately he has been sneaking into our room! It's been a bit hard, but I guess that's just part of life!

This is what I wrote on Facebook on Noah's birthday about him:

"Happy Birthday to this cute little munchkin! Two years has flown by! Noah is such a character and we just love him. He's insanely smart and VERY passionate. He's extremely strong willed, stubborn and super particular about what he likes and doesn't like. He speaks in sentences, he knows shapes and colors, he can count, sing songs, loves dancing and loves animals. He loves to play pretend, and has a wild imagination. He somehow really loves his unborn baby brother and loves all other babies. He likes to "baby" his stuffed animals. He's a natural at sports, and has quite the ball collection. Trains, trucks and buses are also on his top list of favorite things. He's been playing with his new train set all morning! We love you Noah! All 23 pounds of ya!"

That's Noah in a nutshell at two years old. He definitely keeps us on our feet constantly. He's seriously hilarious! He's also become my most challenging thing in life! But he's shaping me into the person I need to become and I wouldn't change it for the world. He's my everything! I love you Noah!

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