Tuesday, September 1, 2015

California 2015 - San Diego & Disneyland!

Just a week after New Years, we were off to San Diego! We were all very excited!

We spent pretty much a week there. It was a MUCH needed vacation. I had kind of a rough Winter with my depression and this trip kind of gave me a reset to start over with so many things and I felt so much better when I came back home. 

It was Noah's second time on an airplane. He did pretty good! He was very excited. He brought his own little carry-on suitcase - so cute. 

We had so much fun! We spent time on the beach, went to Balboa Park, ate some good food, spent a day at the San Diego Zoo, saw the San Diego temple, and spent a short hour at the Mormon Battalion museum. 

We also spent a full day at Disneyland! It was AMAZING! Definitely the highlight of our trip. We originally were planning on doing Disneyland but then decided it would be too much money and Noah was still really young. Well last minute we changed our plans (like a few days before our trip) and we decided to just go. SO glad we did. It's so cliche but it really felt like a magical day, haha. 

We went on several rides that Noah loved. Although, he got a bit scared of the Pirates of the Caribbean ride - which I don't blame him for, it had a humongous unexpected drop! Haha. 

We also got to watch a mini show of the movie, Frozen, which at the time Noah was getting super into somehow. He had only watched the movie once or twice and just loved it. 

Noah got to meet Mickey Mouse, but at the time didn't really know who Mickey was. Looking back, I feel like we should have introduced him to these characters at least in pictures beforehand. But he still loved it. He still remembers meeting Mickey though and giving him a high five (after 9 months!) 

One of our favorite things that day was getting ice cream and sitting and watching the parade. It was so awesome! We got to see all the characters! We loved it. 

San Diego will always have a special place in mine and Derek's heart as that is where we got engaged. It was cool to go back to the beach on Coronado Island where Derek proposed to me. 

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