Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Fourth of July!

Every year on Independence Day we all go to Derek's aunt and uncles house. Bill and Nori have a big party with lots of food and fireworks. It's always really fun! We weren't sure how Noah was going to be with the fireworks so we thought we would just see how it went and if we needed to leave a little early then that's what we would do. He did okay but of course the party interrupted his nap time so he started to get a little fussy. We put him in his car seat and rocked him and he actually fell asleep quickly (which doesn't always happen). But as soon as the fireworks started getting loud he woke up and was a bit startled. They just got louder and then he seemed like he was really scared so we took him home. Poor little guy. We still got to see some fireworks driving home of course, because everywhere you look there are fireworks in the sky. But I kind of like that Americans do their own fireworks on the 4th of July. I don't remember anyone ever doing that in Canada growing up. But it does get old when it's like 3 days past the holiday and your neighbors are still lighting off fireworks at 10:00 at night. I say do them on the 4th and then be done!

Derek's cousin's little girl, Brooklyn

Noah loves Grammies

Derek's brother, Tory and his fiancé, Vanessa just had a baby girl - Vivienne, 3 weeks old here

Noah with his new cousins, Vivienne and Jayden

Little grumps

Grumpy leads to this (eventually)

Tory, Vanessa & Vivienne

Fireworks time!

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