Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy 1st Anniversary, House!

That title sounds kind of lame. But we've been living in our house for one year and I didn't know what else to name it.

Wow, I can't believe we've been living in Rose Park for one year already! It's no Sugarhouse but it's home now :) We have enjoyed living here. We really like our ward. Even though there isn't a whole lot of younger people/families in our ward, we've made a few good friends. We like living so close to downtown. It's nice to have City Creek & Gateway mall so close, and to be minutes away from Temple Square. We really enjoyed having the park so conveniently right across the street.

The one thing I wish is that we had different next-door neighbors. They aren't horrible neighbors or anything but it would have been nice to have someone in the ward living next door or just someone we connected better with. On one side we have a family but they don't speak much English and kind of stick to themselves. And on the right is just a middle aged man who also kind of sticks to himself.

We haven't stopped working on the house since we moved in. Even though the upstairs of the house didn't need too much work, there's just so many little things that come up here and there. Last summer we focused on the front yard and kind of neglected the back yard so it still looks like a jungle back there. This year we plan to fix up the exterior of the house and hopefully we can start using the backyard. Our house was vacant for a while before we moved in so our front yard was completely dead, because here in Utah if you don't water your lawn, your grass will quickly turn yellow and die. But by the Fall, our front yard was almost completely covered in green grass which definitely spruced up the curb appeal.

It's funny how there are things that I wanted to do as soon as we moved in the house, that still haven't been tackled yet. But it's okay, I've learned to take things on one thing at a time. It has been really fun being homeowners. I love having the freedom to do whatever I want with our house, if I want to paint my ceiling gold, I can (and I plan to!). I love having all the space we do too, if we didn't have our house, my mom wouldn't be living with us, and Jared most likely wouldn't be able to stay with us.

We're not sure exactly how long we plan on living here but we have no intentions of moving any time soon. I am thinking once Noah is getting ready to start school is when we might start thinking about moving. But that's like a million years away, so who knows.

I still have to make a separate post about the basement.. that's coming soon!

And I actually have never taken a picture of our house from the outside. I will have to do that one of these days.

Throwback to pregnant painting days! 

I love our wallpaper

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