Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Jazz Game

Tara invited us to go to a Jazz Game with her and Jed - and surprise him. A few of their other friends & family were there as well. It was nice to have another date night. We've been trying to get out more lately.

They were playing against the Boston Celtics and as the players were coming out, Derek casually said, "There's Kim Kardashian's ex-husband." I was like, "What? Where?" He was referring to Chris Humphries. Then I said, "Woah, he's like a celebrity!" Haha. And to which Derek responded, "Yeah, well, all NBA players are celebrities". And then I thought, I guess he's right. But to me, they aren't, because I never watch sports and don't know any athletes names. But anyways, we're not even fans of Kim Kardashian or Chris Humphries, I just thought it was funny a conversation.

They had new, MASSIVE screens this time

We share a love for Dippin Dots, but we very much dislike each other's flavors (Banana Split is so much better, WHO likes Rainbow?)

Just the two of us <3

We had fun!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Feels Like Spring

The past week it has been such beautiful weather. Fall and Spring are my favorite seasons, and unfortunately those seasons usually come and go very quickly around here. I know it's not technically Spring yet, but it sure did feel like it! We took advantage of the perfect temperature and played at the park a few times.

It's usually really annoying to get my camera to do what I want it to do but I felt like I should play around with it. We had a little photo shoot and I managed to get some good pictures I think. I need to start using my camera more often.

Noah at 10 1/2 months...

Those are the cheeks I eat all day long

Of course, eating the leaves 

His silly side

That face!

Carefully examining pieces of nature

And now for the "taking off hat" sequence...

Keep pulling 

He's almost got it

Got it!

And now let's put it back on..

He didn't have as much success this time


He didn't enjoy the swing as much this time

I've said it before but this Summer is going to be so much fun! (Minus the unpleasant heat)

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A Very Unexpected & Interesting Valentine's Day

Derek and I didn't make any big plans for Valentine's Day. We decided we were going to stay home, have fondue & rent a movie after Noah went to bed. However, plans changed last minute when Dustin couldn't take Leila where they had planned to go, because she was feeling sick. Dustin had booked 2 spots for them at a cooking class called, Chocolate: The Event, held at the new Harmons store downtown. Since they couldn't go, Dustin wanted us to go instead so it wouldn't just go to waste considering he spent $200.00 on these tickets. We found out my mom was getting off at 6:00 so she would be able to stay with Noah while we went.

All we knew about this "cooking class" was what Dustin had told us.. with the instruction of a chef, we would be making our own dinner, all the courses had chocolate incorporated in them somehow, and the reason why it was so expensive was because there would be wine. We thought, even though we don't drink, it would be fun to go out and do something together.

We were very confused at first because instead of going into the kitchen that said "Cooking School" they were sitting everyone down at these fancy tables. They didn't even ask us for our names.. we were thinking, okay anyone could have just walked in line and got seated at a table for free.

We first had a cocktail menu, which had 3 non - alcoholic drinks. Two of them sounded really interesting and yummy; the description said they had chocolate ice. We didn't know what chocolate ice was, so being intrigued, we ordered those. The waiter came back and said they didn't have one of those drinks... very odd. So I ordered an apple cider martinelli, but what they brought me wasn't martinelli's and Derek's drink had plain, old, regular ice... we were getting more and more confused. When does the cooking part come in to play? Are we just going to be served food the entire time? How is this going to last from 6:30 to 9:00 if we're just being served food? Why did Dustin say it was a cooking class? Where's the chocolate ice? Since this was a one time event, why wouldn't they have the drink I originally ordered? Why does my sparkling apple cider taste like grape juice? Are we the only couple here that doesn't look like they've traveled the globe, with a doctorate degree, and an expertise knowledge in wines? And most importantly, how the heck are we going to eat this weird stuff on the menu?!

To cut to the chase, little by little, some - not all - of our questions were answered. We would not be cooking, just eating. There were 5 courses on the menu, and each one seemed as if it were written in a foreign language to us. Can you tell we don't eat gourmet food? I told Derek we should just make a pact to try everything! It would be a fun experience for both of us. He didn't buy it, so I made the pact with myself. But, I broke that pact quickly when I couldn't bring myself to tasting the caviar. I tried everything else though! And Derek.. well, let's just say he tried.

After eating raw salmon, organic duck breast, and goat cheese, I was so ready for dessert! Hello, this event was called, Chocolate! Which is my middle name by the way! First, they brought us a fancy hot chocolate drink, second dessert was a scrumptious chocolate mouse cake, and they finished it off with a chocolate coffee flavored gelato. Mmm! Three desserts? Don't mind if I do!

The whole experience was really interesting and fun! Even though everyone around us, including our waiters, were probably wondering what our deal was the whole time. I'm not going to lie, I was a little embarrassed after continuing to give back plates with food that had barely been touched. And having to deny each alcoholic beverage that came with each meal - because of course each meal needed a complimentary wine or beer or champagne! Not ashamed of not being a drinker but felt a bit silly for going to an event where wine is the star of the show. But with that said, I'm glad we went. We spent a nice evening together, we talked, we laughed, we people watched, we tried new things, and my favorite - we got to hold hands. Something I realized we never do anymore because we're always holding a little boy and a diaper bag everywhere we go. So, even though I love that little boy, it was nice to change it up :)

I love you, Derek! Thanks for a memorable Valentines Day! And thank you Dustin & Leila!

Art sculpture made from chocolate

And Derek got me roses :)

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Discovery Gateway -- Children's Museum

Last Saturday we had plans that didn't work out so we felt like we should still do something fun. We decided to take Noah to the Discovery Gateway museum since neither of us had been there before. Not to mention, it's only 5 minutes away from our house.

We loved it! There were such cute activities for kids and lots of cool science ones as well. Noah enjoyed it. We thought about getting a yearly pass but then we decided to wait a few more months until Noah can at least walk. We figured he would enjoy it more, and we'd be able to stay longer making it worth our money.

My favorite part was the play-house. I would have absolutely LOVED this when I was a kid. There was a little kitchen with a little oven, and a little table and little food and little everything! And across from the house was a market where you could go to buy the food for the house. And across from the market there was a farm where you would need to pick the vegetables to get them ready for the market. Just adorable. And so clever.

Even though Noah looks serious in all the pictures (haha), he had a lot of fun! He just seems serious when we go to new places because he's taking everything in. He's an observer and a thinker, like his mommy. I look forward to going here more often with him later on. We had a great family day and finished it off with some Jason's Deli! Yum!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Family Bowling

Two weekends ago we went bowling with the Finch family to celebrate some birthdays.  It was Noah's first bowling experience. Lots of fun!

Such a good Papa! It's always fun seeing little Vivienne since they are so close in age :) 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Derek & Noah

I took these pictures a few weeks ago. But I really liked them so thought I should put them in the blog. I just love my boys. I don't know what I would do without them. Derek just ADORES Noah and everything about him. I love the way he interacts with his son, and the fact that he truly wants what is best for him. He wants Noah to be happy, to succeed in life and to become someone great in our society.

Noah is 10 Months!

My baby is growing too fast! I can't believe his birthday is just around the corner. He's now been in this world longer than the amount of time that I carried him for :)

I really see a lot of both of us in Noah but especially myself. He can be so goofy and silly but at other times so moody and cranky. He sure can be funny though. He needs a lot of attention as well. I think he might end up being a little shy, because he still gets quiet and more reserved around other people at first and takes a while to start acting his silly self again. But Noah is a very active, energetic little boy. He's very alert, especially to sounds. He likes to figure out how things work.

{Little muscle man}

{Goofball looking just like Derek in this picture}

{...and whiny mode}

This month was great. A few changes though.  I started giving Noah an extra 2-3 ounces of formula at bedtime AFTER I nurse him. The reason for this was because he was going to bed super early every night. I normally nurse him around 4:30 and then again at 7:00 for bed but we were getting him ready for bed around 6:00 most days this month so between 4:30 and 6:00 I don't think my body made enough in the hour and a half to fill him up for the night so I felt good about the extra formula. This past week however, we were finally able to drop the 4:30 feeding and he seems to be doing well without it. So technically I don't think he'll really need the extra formula at night anymore but he's doing well with it and his body is probably used to those extra calories now; and we have some from the hospital we need to use anyways. With that feeding dropped, this puts us on somewhat of a 4-hour schedule (yay!) with 4 feedings during the day. Oh and we figured out the reason he wasn't taking a bottle last month was because he doesn't like his Tommee Tippee bottles anymore so we use a different kind.

{This was at church one Sunday after he nursed himself to sleep. Now days it's a treat to see him this close while he's sleeping since he rarely sleeps in public or in my arms. I'm going to really miss these moments when I no longer breastfeed. Jessie nicknamed him "Snuffleupagus" (from Sesame Street) when he was a newborn, because of his long, straight eyelashes. Everyone always comments on them. I could stare at this face all day long!}

There was a week where for the first time Noah didn't want to eat very much. He wouldn't eat things he normally loves, and of the things he did eat, he would only take a few bites. At first I worried it was because last month I slacked a bit on giving him lots of healthy food & variety. But then I wondered if perhaps he was teething, causing his appetite to lower. And sure enough, he was teething! Once his teeth broke through, his appetite went back to normal. He has been eating TONS of good stuff this month. I've been cooking a lot more lately so he's been able to try all sorts of different meals. Also, since he's getting older I decided it was definitely time to spice things up a bit. For example, I used to give him toast just plain, now I spread something on it like almond butter or hummus. And I've been giving him exactly what we eat more often, instead of just giving him certain pieces from it, if that makes sense. He tried Indian food this month and loved it! This could be a typical day for Noah...
- Breakfast: Banana slices with greek yogurt and toast sticks with peanut butter
- Lunch: Swiss cheese, avocado chunks, tomato slices, and black beans
- Dinner: Brown rice or quinoa with chicken, and cooked veggies
I don't give him snacks every day but once in a while I will, or if we're at church or doing errands. A snack could consist of pear wedges, a mandarin orange or those little cereal puffs. I need to be more consistent with giving him drinks. He loves water and drinks pretty well from a sippy cup but I don't give him a drink at every meal because he gets distracted by playing with the cup and just bangs it against his high chair and gets everything wet. But I think I'll try giving him a drink after he is done eating so he eats first (at least for now anyways). I also wanted to mention how happy I am that I chose and stuck with baby led weaning. Everyone in our house, including Noah, just loves it!
{My healthy little eater}

{He liked to squish the yogurt between his fingers}

As I mentioned, he finally got his first tooth! Well, I should say first TEETH, he actually got two right at the exact same time (the bottom two). He was acting clingy all week and his bottom gums seemed swollen to me. Finally, I could see two white lines underneath his gums and they broke through within a few days. I don't think he did too bad, he was just clingy beforehand and had one night where he had a hard time falling back asleep in the middle of the night. His teeth aren't all the way up yet but you can see that they are totally crooked!

{This was one of his teething days}

{I love my baby}

He's mastered pulling up and getting back down to where he doesn't fall on his head or get hurt as often as last month. He's starting to cruise along furniture more now. A couple times he has  stood alone momentarily without holding onto anything for a second. But I think it'll still be a couple months before he's walking. He can climb all the way up the stairs. I'm still adjusting into the habit of closing all the doors upstairs because if I don't, in a matter of seconds he could have unrolled the entire toilet paper roll or who knows what! That kid gets into everything!

{Noah likes to look at the wallpaper}

{Sneaky face}

He does so many things that amuse us. He loves to push and pull things. He loves to push and pull chairs back and forth, back and forth. He likes to push a door shut and then swing it back open again. He also likes to hold onto a chair while standing and keep pushing it forward, walking across the whole room (like a walker). One day he discovered the concept of banging his head on something.. now that's his favorite thing to do! Not very hard that he's hurting himself (although sometimes I wonder how it doesn't hurt him) but in a playful way. He will hit his head on anything he can, including mommy & daddy's heads! He also likes to shake his head (like a "no" motion) and thinks it's funny, because we laugh. He brings this into his dance moves. He really loves dancing now, and starts dancing when music comes on. Even to random household sounds that aren't supposed to be music but may just sound like they kind of have a beat. He likes to play -- or should I say bang -- on the piano. The other day we were reading a book and one page said, "kiss, kiss, I love you. " and had a big picture of a baby making a kissy face, when I read it Noah reached his head down and kissed the baby! It took me by surprise and melted my heart!

{I just want to eat those cheeks!!! And toes!}

{How does that string taste, Noah?}

Noah did better at independent playtime this month. There are still days where he needs more attention so it becomes more of a struggle. But I love when he happily plays by himself, it's so cute to hear him talking to himself and to spy on him and see what he's doing. He's never been a HUGE bookworm because he gets bored and doesn't like to sit still but he's liking books more and more. I've noticed that he is way more interested in books that have something that he can touch, or something that moves etc. because he's such a hands on type of baby. He loves turning the pages now.

{Only mother's of tongue-tied babies will understand the joy you feel when your baby sticks out his tongue for the first time. He had never done this before. His tongue is still tied a little but this did make me happy}

{One of his favorite toys - he likes to play DJ}

{Story time!}

Sometimes it really sounds like he's talking in his own made up language. I love it! And sometimes it really sounds like he's imitating the words I'm saying to him. And other times he really sounds like he's impersonating Donald Duck. But his favorite thing to say is still "dada". I was getting kind of discouraged because he doesn't seem very interested in Baby Sign Language and I was super excited about it. But my friend pointed out to me that even though he isn't signing the "correct signs" he is still signing, just with his own signs. The whole point is to be able to communicate and if I'm understanding what he wants by whatever he's doing then that's part of signing. Like when he is done with his food, he tells me by pushing against his high chair (and grunting) and raising his arms out to me. Even though it's more of an annoying way to let me know (hah), I guess it's better than just crying. He did start doing the sign for milk though but he just copies me occasionally when I do it, while he's already nursing. And I can tell that lately he's trying to sign "more" but needs a lot of work still. But I still think it's really fun and I'm going to keep doing it anyways :) One more thing, he loves pointing to things, which I think is so cute. At first it was with two fingers but he does it with one finger now, hehe.

So much progression this month! First off, he dropped his 3rd nap! He basically just stopped sleeping for it. But this is why we had to implement the early bedtime (in bed by 6:20). I also dropped his dreamfeed finally, because it was disrupting his sleep and he wasn't even hungry for it. It took a couple weeks for him to stop waking up around that time because he was used to it but this week he hasn't so far. In fact he started sleeping through the night again after all these good changes! He slept 12 hours straight several nights this week! Hallelujah! The nights he didn't sleep 12 hours he at least made it 9-10 hours without a feeding, and those were on days he didn't nap well. This just proves how much their day time sleep affects their nighttime sleep. So this month we went from 6-8 feedings in a 24 hr period to 4-5 feedings. This is great, I just hope my supply doesn't suffer. His naps are starting to lengthen out again but I'm still playing around with different wake-time lengths. This week our sleep & feeding schedule has been somewhere along these lines...
7:00 wake up, nurse + breakfast
9:15 nap 1
10:45 wake up
11:00 nurse + lunch
1:30 nap 2
3:00 wake up, nurse
5:30 dinner
6:30 - 7:00 get ready for bed, nurse,
This is on a good day :) I'm so happy that his schedule is finally getting back on track and somewhat predictable. The past several months have been rough as far as sleep so I'm praying things stay this way for a while.

{Bum in the air, don't care!}

And a few more pictures from this month...

{About to take a walk outside}

{Good morning! Lately, there are days where I'll get Derek to bring him into our room in the morning when he wakes up so I can nurse him in our bed and just lay down a little longer. And I get to snuggle with him this way too}

{Big, brown eyes!}

{Getting so big!}

{"Okay, that's enough pictures mom, now give me that camera!"}