Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A Very Unexpected & Interesting Valentine's Day

Derek and I didn't make any big plans for Valentine's Day. We decided we were going to stay home, have fondue & rent a movie after Noah went to bed. However, plans changed last minute when Dustin couldn't take Leila where they had planned to go, because she was feeling sick. Dustin had booked 2 spots for them at a cooking class called, Chocolate: The Event, held at the new Harmons store downtown. Since they couldn't go, Dustin wanted us to go instead so it wouldn't just go to waste considering he spent $200.00 on these tickets. We found out my mom was getting off at 6:00 so she would be able to stay with Noah while we went.

All we knew about this "cooking class" was what Dustin had told us.. with the instruction of a chef, we would be making our own dinner, all the courses had chocolate incorporated in them somehow, and the reason why it was so expensive was because there would be wine. We thought, even though we don't drink, it would be fun to go out and do something together.

We were very confused at first because instead of going into the kitchen that said "Cooking School" they were sitting everyone down at these fancy tables. They didn't even ask us for our names.. we were thinking, okay anyone could have just walked in line and got seated at a table for free.

We first had a cocktail menu, which had 3 non - alcoholic drinks. Two of them sounded really interesting and yummy; the description said they had chocolate ice. We didn't know what chocolate ice was, so being intrigued, we ordered those. The waiter came back and said they didn't have one of those drinks... very odd. So I ordered an apple cider martinelli, but what they brought me wasn't martinelli's and Derek's drink had plain, old, regular ice... we were getting more and more confused. When does the cooking part come in to play? Are we just going to be served food the entire time? How is this going to last from 6:30 to 9:00 if we're just being served food? Why did Dustin say it was a cooking class? Where's the chocolate ice? Since this was a one time event, why wouldn't they have the drink I originally ordered? Why does my sparkling apple cider taste like grape juice? Are we the only couple here that doesn't look like they've traveled the globe, with a doctorate degree, and an expertise knowledge in wines? And most importantly, how the heck are we going to eat this weird stuff on the menu?!

To cut to the chase, little by little, some - not all - of our questions were answered. We would not be cooking, just eating. There were 5 courses on the menu, and each one seemed as if it were written in a foreign language to us. Can you tell we don't eat gourmet food? I told Derek we should just make a pact to try everything! It would be a fun experience for both of us. He didn't buy it, so I made the pact with myself. But, I broke that pact quickly when I couldn't bring myself to tasting the caviar. I tried everything else though! And Derek.. well, let's just say he tried.

After eating raw salmon, organic duck breast, and goat cheese, I was so ready for dessert! Hello, this event was called, Chocolate! Which is my middle name by the way! First, they brought us a fancy hot chocolate drink, second dessert was a scrumptious chocolate mouse cake, and they finished it off with a chocolate coffee flavored gelato. Mmm! Three desserts? Don't mind if I do!

The whole experience was really interesting and fun! Even though everyone around us, including our waiters, were probably wondering what our deal was the whole time. I'm not going to lie, I was a little embarrassed after continuing to give back plates with food that had barely been touched. And having to deny each alcoholic beverage that came with each meal - because of course each meal needed a complimentary wine or beer or champagne! Not ashamed of not being a drinker but felt a bit silly for going to an event where wine is the star of the show. But with that said, I'm glad we went. We spent a nice evening together, we talked, we laughed, we people watched, we tried new things, and my favorite - we got to hold hands. Something I realized we never do anymore because we're always holding a little boy and a diaper bag everywhere we go. So, even though I love that little boy, it was nice to change it up :)

I love you, Derek! Thanks for a memorable Valentines Day! And thank you Dustin & Leila!

Art sculpture made from chocolate

And Derek got me roses :)

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