Saturday, June 14, 2014

Hawryluks Visit!

This was a while ago now but we had some good friends from Calgary come to visit us! When Jared and I lived in Calgary, we were close with the Hawryluk family. Darwin and Patti were in town about a month ago and were able to spend some time with us. We had them over for dinner at our house. I made them turkey chili and we had protein cookies for dessert :)

They stayed for a while and we just talked and talked. It was nice. They were able to meet Derek, Noah, my mom and even Lorin.

Patti was our sunday school teacher at one point and also my Young Women's leader at another point. Darwin served in the Bishopric and was our home teacher.

I am so grateful for families like the Hawryluks. I was blessed enough to have had so many wonderful, caring and nonjudgemental people in my life as a youth. To say I struggled a lot is an understatement. I would not have made it through my teenage years without the support, friendship and examples of the leaders that I had. I know Heavenly Father was looking after me. I'm not sure if the Hawryuks knew then or know now -- I didn't even know at the time how much they helped me -- how valuable their example was to me.

I will forever be grateful for them and for everyone else in the Calgary 13th ward who was there for me and my brother.

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