Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Christmas 2014

Again - I need to be quick since I'm really behind! Here's a few details of our Christmas in 2014.

We spent the evening at Michael & Leisa's house this year. We are thinking of alternating, every other  year sleeping over there so we can also have some Christmas mornings at our place some years. We always get new pajamas. Noah got some glow in the dark dinosaur pjs. We always have a really tasty breakfast over there too! Yum.

We came back to our place to open more gifts here. We got Noah some cute toys we thought he'd love. For the first time I can even remember (at least here in Salt Lake) it started snowing right when we were opening our presents. We could see it so well right in our big window and it was BEAUTIFUL! It was like a Christmas miracle, haha. Especially since we hadn't had much snow at all that Winter. It was perfect.

Later on that day we went over to my mom's place. We spent time with her and Carl. Jared & Lorin came as well.

I love Christmas with kids. It makes it so much more special.

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