Wednesday, November 20, 2013

"Boys" Trip

When Derek asked me if he could go told me he was going on a boys trip to Las Vegas I admit I was upset. For 2 reasons.. 1. Because I was jealous that he was going on a trip without me when I SO badly would love a vacation. And 2. Because I didn't want us to be apart! Derek and I have never spent a night away from each other since we've been married. And we've only had 1 day where we didn't see each other since we started dating.. can you say we're pretty attached?

Honestly though, it wasn't so bad :) Of course I missed him but he's never home anyways so I'm already used to being alone all day long. (Lame!) I did miss him a lot at night though. I don't like sleeping alone. There has probably only been a handful of times that we've even gone to bed at separate times. It actually takes me an extremely long time to fall asleep if he's not there. And maybe that's my OCD creeping in. But I managed to fall asleep eventually.. I guess my exhaustion was a good thing that weekend. 

He left Friday afternoon and came back Monday afternoon. I didn't do much while he was gone, really. Friday night I went to a cute Boutique of handmade things with my friend. And the rest of the weekend I mostly just hung out at home with my mom. I am so thankful she was here! I think I would have been really scared had she not been, and actually maybe that's why I was able to fall asleep because I knew I wasn't really alone. 

But I'm happy he went. He needed a break. And he really loves spending time with his family. It was him, his dad, his brother and his uncle. Uncle Bill has a beautiful condo right on the strip so that is where they stayed. They drove down so I know they probably had some good talks on the way there. They went to a show, went hot tubbing, talked, relaxed, talked some more, ate good food and walked the strip.

I think Derek missed Noah more than he missed me. It was right when Noah was starting to creep around, so when Derek got home he was already so much better at it than when he left. Daddy loves his boy. 

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