Saturday, November 2, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Noah's first Halloween :)

We did a few different Halloween activities..

Last week Me & my sister-in-law, Leila took Noah and Sophia to the county jail where Derek's mom works. She wanted to see the grandkids so invited us to come. They were having a big Halloween event for kids. They had pumpkin decorating, games, trick or treating, a haunted house and refreshments of course. We dressed them up in their costumes. Sophia looked pretty as Cinderella and Noah wore his Tigger costume.

Earlier this week we had my sister over with Soph & Elijah to do some pumpkin carving. My mom had the day off so she was able to do it with us also. Noah kept trying to eat the "guts" from the pumpkins! I was babysitting little Sophia at the time too, she had fun and was helping us carve them. Jessie's pumpkins turned out really good!

On Halloween night Derek and I took Noah to Jessie's ward (her church) to do Trunk-or-Treat. This is where everyone hands out candy out of their trunks. Some people decorate their cars really scary. Elijah was a Police man, Sophia was a cowgirl and Jessie was a bat girl. They looked awesome! John had patients at work so he couldn't make it. I wish me and Derek actually dressed up but to be honest I didn't even think about it until last weekend and then I didn't really have much time. But Noah looked super cute in his costume again. I got it from Kid to Kid, I love that store!

My little tiger

Me & Jessie were talking about how the amount of candy they got was NOTHING compared to what we used to get as kids. But to them they think it's a lot because they don't know any different I guess. We used to go trick or treating for hours and get pillow cases full of candy! Ah, those were the good old days! 

I think next year since Noah will be a little older we'll try something more fun and creative for our costumes :) 

Happy Halloween! 

---- {now that Halloween is over, I can say I'm getting excited for the Holiday season to start! Woohoo!}

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