Friday, November 29, 2013

So Much to be Thankful For..

I think of the song, "Count your blessings, name them one by one.." We truly are blessed with so much, all of us. I don't acknowledge all my blessings often enough so here it goes..

1. My loving husband, who is also my best friend, and who is such a good father and good person. He is my everything. 
2. My adorable little boy who lights up my world each day and gave me the gift of motherhood. He motivates me to be a better person. 
3. My mom, my dad & my step-mom. Even though we have given each other a hard time at one point or another, they are my parents and I will forever be grateful for everything they've done for me. I wouldn't be who I am today and who I am continually becoming, without them. 
4. My siblings, Jessie, Hugh & Jared. They are my hilarious best friends and I love them more than words can describe.
5. My amazing in-laws. They truly are wonderful, inspiring people. I'm blessed to be married to someone with a whole lot of family. They do so much for us. 
6. Friendship in general. Even though now days I don't have that many close friends outside my family. I've had a lot of really good friends over the course of my life which I am thankful for. There are people who have been there for me in some of my darkest times, other people who have known me for years and years, and new friends and acquaintences who always inspire me.
7. Freedom! I am blessed to have been born and raised in an amazing country, to be able to live out the American dream and to live in a world with more opportunities than we could ever dream of. 
8. This beautiful earth we live on! There are so many times where I am amazed at the beauty and magnificence of our planet. "Yea, all things which cometh of the earth, in the season thereof, are made for the benefit and the use of man, both to please the eye and to gladden the heart." D&C 59:18
9. Our home. I never thought I'd have my own house at this age, but we did it. I'm so thankful to have a house where I can express my creativity and have a place to grow our family in. 
10. To be able to stay at home with my son each day. Even though I can't imagine doing it any other way, I realize what a huge blessing this is. 
11. Good health. Everyone in our family has overall good health, this is a huge blessing I take for granted a lot. 
12. An over-abundance of food & clean water. Another one that is easy to take for granted. It saddens my heart to think of all the people in the world who don't have this blessing. 
13. All the things that make life convenient. Our first-world problems are dreams and fantasies for people in third-world countries. Technology, transportation, modern medicine, entertainment, material things, etc. 
14. Derek's job & boss. They do SO MUCH for us! We wouldn't be living the life we're living without this blessing. 
15. Our living Prophet of God, Thomas S. Monson. And the Lord's Apostles, and all the leaders of the church. I know they receive direct revelation from God for our time today. 
16. My calling at church - teaching Sunday School. I love working with youth. I have grown and learned so much already in just a few months.
17. Music. It makes me happy, but it also touches my heart so easily that it can instantly bring me to tears. Honestly, some of my favorite moments in life are when I can just sing and sing to my favorite songs.
18. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I am SO blessed to be born with the knowledge of the true doctrine of Christ. The organization of the church is outstanding! It really amazes me. 
19. My testimony of the gospel.  I know this church is true without a doubt in my heart. I have been lost in times of my life, but the thing that kept me going was that I always knew the church was true. Even though it was just a tiny ounce of faith, and I didn't understand many things, I always knew this was the Lord's church. 
20. Temples. The peace you feel there is like nothing else. The beauty, the serenity, the comfort, the love, the purity, the holiness.. you cannot deny this is the House of the Lord. I'm thankful for my temple marriage.. that I get to be with my family for eternity!
21. Scriptures and Prayer. Where would we be without these amazing gifts? We can literally talk to God whenever we want! 
22. My Father in Heaven. He truly is our Father and loves us more than we could ever know or comprehend. He has given us everything! I'm thankful for the unique relationship that we can all have with him. 
23. I wouldn't have any of these things without my Savior, Jesus Christ who lived and died for me. I will never be able to repay him for what he has done for me and for everyone that has ever lived. He is my perfect example and my rock. I love these words, Oh, sweet the joy this sentence gives, "I know that my Redeemer lives!" It's really hard for me to sing that without getting emotional. I am so grateful for the Atonement, that I am able to ask for forgiveness each day. And only because Christ loves us. 

This is just a small portion of the blessings that I have in my life. These are the more obvious ones, but there are countless blessings and tender mercies that pass by each day that we don't even think about or realize because we're so extremely blessed that it's hard to recognize each one of them. This is why I am thankful that we can celebrate Thanksgiving each year to remind us of these things. 

Happy Thanksgiving! 

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