Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas Eve & Christmas Day 2013

 C H R I S T M A S   E V E 

Every Christmas Eve we go to Derek's dad's house for the evening and then spend the night there. Which we absolutely love doing. However, this year since my mom & Jared were living with us we thought it would be nice to have Christmas morning at our home this year. Also since it was our first Christmas with Noah and in our first home.

So on the 24th we stopped over at Jessie & John's place to see them & the kids for a couple hours.

Then we headed over to the Finch house. There is always so much good food there so I of course got stuffed. Everyone opens presents together. Noah got lots of cute stuff. He got some new books, toys & clothes. He really needed warm, winter pj's which he got. And he got a sign language kit, I better get cracking on expanding our signs! Derek and I mostly got food storage, which is what we really wanted. Best gift ever! Thank you Papa & Grammies!

Why so glum, chum?

Brad turned into a girl

Noah turned into a girl. This was a hair piece for a teddy bear I think, so it was the perfect size. I wish I got a front shot but I was laughing too hard. 

Camera toy from Tiffi!

Behind me is the huge water barrel we got, awesome!

I had to put this picture in. First off, aren't those matching ties cute? OH yeah so Noah is crying because I took tissue paper out of his mouth. Again. He probably swallowed a few chunks that night. 

Little one with Derek's Grandma. Noah is lucky enough to have three great-grandmother's to give him cuddles. 

C H R I S T M A S   M O R N I N G

We woke up Christmas morning at our house and opened a few presents together with my mom and Jared. Noah loved it, he likes playing with the wrapping paper, of course. We didn't really get him anything because we knew our family would be getting him plenty enough already, but he opened a few from my mom, the Olsen's & Grandma & Grandpa Finch (Derek's grandparents). Derek and I didn't get each other anything again this year because we just finished the basement & the farmhouse table, we didn't feel the need to buy extra gifts.

Getting into the presents already

He blends in with the wrapping paper

He liked Jared's slippers

Love my boy

Thanks for the tie, Hugh

Jared gave everyone a framed piece of native art from his mission

New scriptures for a new chapter in his life

The bracelet I got my mom. A pink tourmaline pearl for Sophia, a diamond pearl for Noah and an amethyst pearl for Elijah. Now she can take her grandchildren wherever she goes

Our first Christmas together! -- thanks for eating my hair Noah..

I love this one

We had our favorite breakfast -- belgian waffles!

Later in the afternoon Derek's mom & Grandma Pierce came over along with Dustin, Leila, Talon & Sophia.

Derek's mom

Another one of Noah's great-grandmothers 

For dinner, my mom was kind enough to make us a ham dinner. She seriously is the best. It was delicious.

It wouldn't be Christmas without giving the focus to our Brother. I am so thankful for the birth of Jesus Christ. I am thankful for his life on this earth. I'm thankful for the love he has for each of us. And I'm eternally thankful for his atoning sacrifice. Just as we give gifts to family and friends on this Holiday, I like to give a gift to our Savior. We can never repay him for what he's done for us but we can show our love to him by showing love for others. Merry Christmas! May we feel the joy from Him throughout the year.

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