Monday, December 23, 2013

Welcome Home Elder Smith!

What a wonderful Birthday I had.. my brother, Jared came home from his mission! What are the chances? He arrived very late, 11:00 that night. We all went to the airport to give him a warm welcome home. Derek and I, my mom, Jessie and Hugh (Hugh arrived the night before), Sarahi and her kids and one of Jared's companions who was already home was able to make it as well.

We waited for what seemed like an eternity for him to walk out the gates. I remember having butterflies the whole time we were waiting for him from being so anxious and excited. It was a great feeling to see him walk out with his suit and name tag still on. It was a very happy and emotional time for all of us. 

And yes, we decided to take Noah to the airport with us. And yes, he had a horrible night (and week) from that. But it's okay because he got to meet his Uncle Jerry! He actually did pretty well at the airport though.

It's so nice to have Jared home for the holidays! We had a really fun week last week while Hugh was here. I'll write more details about what we did in another post. He got released the following morning, and will be giving his homecoming talk at our ward this coming Sunday, the 28th. He is still figuring out exactly what his plans are. There is a possibility that he may go back to Canada for a while but he would like to stay in Utah if it works out for him.

Elder Smith ended his mission as the Assistant to the Mission President in Richmond, British Columbia. He loved his mission very much. He loved President Tilleman, and the friends he made along the way. He loved the people he met and taught and the different cultures he learned about.

I love my little brother. He makes me happy. I'm proud of him and how far he's grown over the last few years. He is one of my favorite people in this world! We have always been best friends. When I think about all that we have been through together, and look at the person he has become it just fills my heart with joy. I couldn't be happier for him. And I thank him for dedicating two years of his life to do the Lord's work.

Welcome Home! We love you! 

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