Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Family Reunion & The Flu

I was really looking forward to this past weekend for a few reasons: 1. We were going out to eat with some of Derek's cousins to celebrate a birthday  2. Jared was giving his homecoming talk at church, and  3. Some of my family was coming into town from Canada -- many of which I have not seen in like 10 years or more! And I would have happily enjoyed all of these things had I not gotten very, very sick Friday afternoon!

My aunt & uncle, Jessica & Enoc came down from Calgary, with four of their kids, Benjamin, Ana, Andres and Jacob. They did not live in Calgary when I did, so I hadn't seen them since I was around 14. My other uncle, Yavhel also came from Victoria. I think I was probably 10 the last time I saw him. They were here all weekend, Friday they had a big get together at a church and Saturday everyone went to Park City. But I was at home, in bed, feeling like I was dying. 

Friday morning I woke up with a cough and just felt kind of weird. After I took a shower, I was suddenly freezing and could not get warm. I put on warm socks and sweaters but I still had goosebumps all over and started to feel light headed. I knew then that I was probably getting sick. Within an hour I felt horrible. I was just counting down the minutes to when I could put Noah down for a nap because I could barely move. It's crazy how fast and strong it came on. After I put Noah down, I hopped into bed and stayed there for the rest of the day and night. 

I've never felt that miserable, EVER! I don't even remember the last time I had the flu, I think I was probably in third grade. I literally felt like I was losing my mind. I basically cried myself to sleep the whole day. I'm so happy Derek had the day off so he could take care of me and Noah. It made me really think, what would I do if I was a single-parent? I felt so bad for Noah because I felt like he didn't even have a mom for 2 days. 

I felt a lot better but still felt really bad on Saturday. But I could actually have a conversation and go on my phone as long as I was still lying down. I still couldn't get out of bed. My whole body felt so sore! Sunday I felt much better, I was able to go to church, but I only went to sacrament to hear Jared's talk. I didn't want to teach my class and get too close to anyone in case I was still contagious. 

Jared's homecoming talk was really good! I don't think I've ever heard him speak before. I loved it. He shared several stories from his mission. My family that was visiting came to hear him as well.

Jared with some mission friends

Later that evening we all went to Sarahi's house. I felt bad going because I know I hate when sick people come around me but they all wanted me to go so if they get sick I can't feel too bad, right? Haha, yeah right I would still feel horrible. 

Enoc & Jessica

Kleidy & Koby


Vagner & Kendra

Jacob, Benjamin, Ana & Andres

Jared & his mission friend, Mark


They sang "Nearer My God To Thee" for us

So even though I didn't get to spend the whole weekend with these guys I at least saw them on Sunday and I was still able to hear Jared's talk. It was a good end to the year!

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