Thursday, May 29, 2014

Noah and Sophia -- The Best of Friends!

It just melts my heart how much Noah loves his cousin, Sophia! Now that he's older, they just play so well together. It's wonderful! However, he's getting really used to her being at our house half the time so when she's not there he gets bored all by himself. But we'll keep working on that.

He gets really excited when she first arrives and when she wakes up from her nap. She takes a really long nap (usually 3-4 hours) but lately sometimes I am tempted to wake her up so she can play with Noah because he's driving me nuts, haha. And a couple times, not thinking, I've left my bedroom door open a crack by (where she sleeps) and Noah has snuck in there while I wasn't looking and has tried to wake her up! They're so funny.

One day, a few weeks ago we actually had to go do some errands so I brought Noah in to wake her up with me. He was being especially cute towards her that day and was acting all lovey dovey. I had to take some pictures of course.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

East Canyon Starts!

We made our first trip of the year up to East Canyon last weekend. We went up Saturday afternoon and stayed all day. We went swimming and although it wasn't very hot out it was so much fun! Derek was so excited to swim with Noah, since last Summer he never really got to. They have a little kiddie pool too, which felt like bath water :)

About to embark on playground adventures

This picture is just funny

I love Sophia's face in this one! And Noah's looking at her like, you don't love this?!

Trying to get her!

I was able to take some really cute pictures of Sophia with my new lens! Well, I think they're cute!

She's so pretty

It was a nice, relaxing day. I'm so excited for East Canyon this Summer!

Run With the Birthday Girl

Jessie and I ran a 5k, Running With Angels on her birthday.  It was really fun! The race was down in Thanksgiving Point (it seems like we do most of our races there). But it was at the gardens, which are just breathtaking! Running by beautiful flowers, creeks and waterfalls.. don't mind if I do! Ah, it was so so nice!

Afterwards we took Jessie out for a birthday breakfast at Black Bear Diner. She had been there before but it was our first time. Great food and lots of pictures of bears - which entertained Noah.

Happy Birthday Jess! You are amazing and I'm so proud of all your accomplishments!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Best Mother's Day Ever!

I now feel bad for posting on Facebook the gifts I received from Derek on Mother's Day. I guess a couple of other moms in our family gave their husbands some crap for the lack of amazing gift like mine. Sorry guys! This is why I made it a point to say that we never get each other gifts. So just for that reason alone I think I deserve it, don't I?

Anyways, like I said, we normally don't do gifts because we feel like the things we have wanted over the last couple years have been things for the house, paying off bills etc.. There are so many things we need right now that we feel guilty spending more money for unnecessary gifts. But this Mother's Day was different :) Derek knows I am really focusing on my photography skills lately, hoping to have my own business one day, so he thought of the lens as an investment for our future :) the cute bag was just a bonus gift because he's awesome!

So my new lens is a canon 50mm f1.4!  So far I am really loving it! My goal is to practice taking pictures every day. I'm sick of being frustrated with my camera or with lighting or with pictures not looking the way I want to. Earlier this month I took a free photography workshop with Fotofly - the company that did Noah's one year photos - and it was a great refresher for me, plus I learned some of new info as well.

But back to Mother's Day.. we went to church as usual then had lunch at Derek's grandma's house with some family. We came home and spent time with my mom.

Can I just say that being a mom is the BEST thing in the world? It is also one of the hardest, most challenging, stressful, demanding, exhausting, scariest things! But definitely the most joyous, happiest, humbling, and most rewarding thing you can experience! I love fulfilling my role as a mother, and I love having a precious boy to take care of each day. Even if he makes me crazy sometimes, I wouldn't change it for the world!

I'm so blessed to not only experience motherhood for myself but to have had so many wonderful, inspiring women and mother-figures in my life! Of course my amazing mom, my abuelita, my sister, aunts and cousins, school teachers, sunday school teachers, young womens leaders, ward members, friends, mother-in-laws, sister-in-laws, Derek's 3 amazing grandmothers, mothers of some of my friends, many other great mothers in both of our families and mothers I've come to know over my 23 years.

Today at church, as I sat in Relief Society and heard several wonderful comments from the elderly (is that okay to say?) women in our ward, I found myself just in awe at their wisdom and discipleship of Christ. I truly hope to be like them some day. I'm grateful for the examples I have in my life and I'm grateful for motherhood!

I love you mom, keep doing your thang! And thank you Noah (and Derek and my Heavenly Father) for giving me this priceless gift.

Happy 60th Leisa!

We celebrated Derek's step-mom, Leisa's 60th birthday last weekend at Mimi's Cafe. We all surprised her, it was awesome! Some of the kids put together a beautiful slideshow of her life, we all watched it. There were some tears and a lot of laughs! I love her, she's one amazing mama bear and the best grammies! Happy Birthday Leisa!

Pictures from my phone..

hahaha, they made her wear this stuff

Noah and little Vivienne ready to eat!