Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Who doesn't love Fall?

Ah, the beautiful colors, the perfect crisp temperature, scarves, sweaters and coziness, relief from the sun, playing in the leaves, and halloween! You gotta love it!

Usually Fall comes and goes very fast around here, but this year it seemed to cool down a bit earlier and stay that way a little longer. I loved it! Halloween is tomorrow and it hasn't snowed yet, I think that's a first since I've been living here.

This was our first Fall at our house so we got to see the park with it's Fall colors for the first time. It looked quite pretty. 

Our front yard

This tree grew on me

View to the park

I love looking outside and seeing this

Last week while we were babysitting Sophia we took the kids to the park. Sophia had fun playing in the leaves and Noah enjoyed going on the swings :)

He liked watching Derek and Sophia play

Monday, October 28, 2013

Goodbye Long Hair

I have been so bored with my hair lately. I like long hair but I felt like it was so flat and just getting kind of blah. I never had the energy to do anything with it, I usually don't even blow dry it. The decision was a bit impulsive, sometimes I get urges to do crazy things. So when Derek got home I asked him if he could stay with Noah so I could go get a haircut!

I was going to show the stylist some pictures of what I had in mind so I took Derek's phone to show her but their wifi wasn't working so I couldn't show her! That made me nervous because I was cutting quite a lot off. I did my best to explain it. It turned out pretty good but I did want it a little bit shorter in the back, more of an angled bob, but not too much of an angle.. but she didn't really get what I was saying so it's not shorter in the back at all and I think she did too many layers in the front. But oh well, I still like it. Next time I will make sure to bring pictures.

These were some of my inspirational pictures from Pinterest..

I love the ombre look but both times I've gotten it done it hasn't turned out exactly the way I wanted it. So I've given up I guess. Now that it's short most of the blonde is gone except a tiny bit on some of the ends which looks a little weird. So I think I'm going to just color it myself this week, all one color. 


Now that it's short, maybe I will actually DO my hair once in a while..  :)

Thursday, October 17, 2013

General Conference Insights

My whole life I've always had an issue with being able to focus and pay attention, especially when it comes to talks/speakers. Now that I'm older and more mature, I care a lot more about the messages being said at General Conference. So I try extremely hard to focus! But I still struggle very much with paying attention. So when it comes to Conference, even though I love it, I never get as much out of it as I would have liked. But I'm sure many people feel the same way. I have to go back and watch them again and study them out. So that is what I have been doing the past week or so but it will take me a while.. these are my thoughts so far.

I want to express my love for President Monson! I just adore him. I wish he was my neighbor. Every time I hear him speak I always wish I could just sit and talk with him for an unlimited amount of time. Wouldn't that be amazing? He is so sweet and funny yet wise and powerful. I know without a doubt that he is a living Prophet of the Lord Jesus Christ. I always feel the spirit SO strongly whenever he speaks. There are moments when he speaks directly into the camera with a quiet and more serious tone that I literally feel like God is speaking to us directly through him. It's hard to explain the way I feel when that happens but it is really miraculous. 

I have a few talks that really stood out to me. One of them of course was Uchtdorf's! He always gives wonderful talks that I can easily understand. I love how he pointed out all the things that we as members have responsibilities for but gave reasons as to why we do them. I was also happy to hear him explain that the church is not perfect! And we as members are far from perfect. In fact, we can even say we are somewhat hypocrites! If you define a hypocrite as someone who portrays to believe in something but doesn't always follow it. This is what he said:

"Some might say, “I don’t think I could live up to your standards.
All the more reason to come! The Church is designed to nourish the imperfect, the struggling, and the exhausted. It is filled with people who desire with all their heart to keep the commandments, even if they haven’t mastered them yet.
Some might say, “I know a member of your Church who is a hypocrite. I could never join a church that had someone like him as a member.
If you define hypocrite as someone who fails to live up perfectly to what he or she believes, then we are all hypocrites. None of us is quite as Christlike as we know we should be. But we earnestly desire to overcome our faults and the tendency to sin. With our heart and soul we yearn to become better with the help of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
If these are your desires, then regardless of your circumstances, your personal history, or the strength of your testimony, there is room for you in this Church. Come, join with us!"
I love the part that I underlined because many times I feel bad that I'm not the best example to others, especially people with different beliefs, non-member friends or less active family members. I sometimes feel like people who know me may think I am not living up to what I profess to believe in. But it's simply because I am not perfect. I can't expect myself to always be a perfect example to everyone around me. All I can do is continue to pray for help to overcome my faults and work at them each and every day. But I know with God's help I can eventually become better at setting a good example to others.
{Link: }

Another talk I found inspiring was called "Teaching with the Power and Authority of God" by David M. McConkie. I was called as a youth Sunday school teacher back in July so I found this was exactly what I needed to hear. I am teaching the 12-13 year olds. It's my first time teaching at church so it's still new to me. But I enjoy my calling because it's helping me grow and feel more comfortable teaching others about the gospel. I also learn new things every week as I'm preparing for my lesson and as I am teaching.
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The talk right after McConkie's was one by Kevin S. Hamilton called, "Continually Holding Fast". This one stood out to me because he talks about the importance of going to church every week and staying for all three of your meetings. Lately this has been a struggle to do with Noah. I don't often stay for Relief Society because by that time he's not a happy baby and the rest of the day will be hard. But I know I need to work on this and get through it even though it's very challenging.
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Elder Eyring's talk was very powerful, "To My Grandchildren". I love the simpleness of the fact that if we keep the commandments, love God with all our heart and love our neighbor as ourself, we will have lasting happiness in this life.
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I have made it my goal to study the conference talks more deeply and continually. I know that each one of them were inspired of God and have messages we need to hear. I am thankful for our Prophet and for the Apostles. I'm thankful for all of the leaders in Christ's church. I know they have been chosen to lead us in these latter days.

Thomas S. Monson

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Silver Lake Photos

Here are some of my favorites from our photo shoot at Silver Lake.


 I just love my boys so much! Could they get any cuter?


Their family holds a special place in my heart


They are so gorgeous! I love them

Some more good ones... :)


Some of my favorite people

What would we do without them?

Just missing my mom!

Sometimes you just need to pretend like you're going to punch something