Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Until next year, East Canyon

Fall is here! We usually make a last trip to East Canyon some time in September. Dustin & Leila had the condo last weekend so they invited us up to stay over Saturday night. We went up in the afternoon and were planning on staying the night.

We were nervous about Noah though since he hasn't been sleeping good lately. It took him 45 minutes to fall asleep and then since he was so overtired he woke up after 30 minutes and started crying again. He was so tired, and he's not used to sleeping in his pack and play anymore. His face was wet from crying and the material of the pack n play gets really cold when wet so that made it worse. Poor baby, I felt really bad for him. He was probably like "where is my comfy, warm crib!" So we ended up taking him home. It was a bummer.

But we were happy we got to spend some time with our family during the day. Derek's parents had their RV up there too so we got to see them for a bit. And Jed and Tara came with their kids too. We had dinner and then played some Settlers! 

And of course, the scenery looks beautiful right now! I love going to East Canyon in the fall. I was sad that I didn't get to take pictures. The drive up there is so pretty. The leaves down in the city haven't changed too much yet but they have up there :)

I did take this one picture really fast but I was holding Noah at the same time so it isn't the best photo but better than nothing!

Happy Fall!

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