Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Love Your Body 5K

My first 5k ever was the Women's Love Your Body run, 3 years ago. This run was also my sister's first 5K, but she did it for the first time 4 years ago. So we both love this race and this was the 3rd time we did it together :) My friend, Coral also ran it with us (it was her first 5k too, last year when she did it).

I signed up for it in August thinking it would get me motivated to start working out and running again. But sadly, it did not. I started running the week before the race - not a good idea. Normally a 5K wouldn't be a big deal, but since I haven't ran since I was about 20 weeks pregnant (so almost a year ago) I am really out of shape. And I haven't been working out at all since Noah was born. I was really nervous about running this, but I did better than I thought.

The funny thing was the week before the race, I only went running like 3 times that week and each time I probably ran like 1-2 miles. And I kept thinking wow, I am so tired after a mile, how am I going to run 5 miles!? For some reason I forgot that a 5K is only 3.2 miles, haha. And Jessie did too! When we were running the race, a while after the 2 mile marker we were both like geez we haven't even passed the 3 mile mark! Then we both remembered oh yeah it's a 5K, not 5 miles! So maybe that was a good thing? It was a relief, that's for sure. But I thought it was so funny that we both thought the same thing! We've ran several 5K's and Jessie has done 2 half marathons. What is wrong with us, haha.

Anyway, it was really fun and I'm glad I signed up even though I was not prepared. Usually the race is at Thanksgiving Point, but this year they changed it and it was in Sandy, so not as far as a drive. It was really cold at first, but got warm as the sun came out, like every year.

One of my favorite parts about running an organized race is the new T-shirt! I love them. This year it was pink!

Me & Coral :)

I'm glad we both love running - by the way doesn't my sister look AMAZING! She's been working really hard and looks fantastic! (But she's always been beautiful anyways)

As I was saying, I haven't been motivated to work out at all. I think it's because my baby weight just shed off somehow (please don't hate me). Is it okay to brag about that? I feel proud of myself. I think a lot of it has to do with how I ate and took care of my body during my pregnancy. I wasn't "Ms. perfect healthy" but I didn't go crazy and I tried to exercise pretty much the whole time. But I also think it was just how my body is, I only gained 30 pounds, and having a smaller baby doesn't hurt either. People say breastfeeding helps you lose weight, but I don't think that's a proven fact. It does shrink your uterus though! Even though I'm not at my pre-preg weight, I'm only around 5-7 pounds off. So I feel somewhat content with my body right now and I'm not desperate to get back to being 120 lbs. But with that said, I do think it's really important to eat healthy and to exercise regularly so I do need to stop being so lazy and get to it!

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