Monday, October 14, 2013

Hugh & Vero come to SLC!

They finally came together! My brother Hugh's wife, Veronica has never been able to make it to Salt Lake with Hugh for one reason or another so it was really nice to have both of them come and spend time with all of us here in Utah! And Hugh had not been here since last October conference so one year ago. They came for Conference weekend. Hugh arrived Thursday and Vero arrived Friday and they both left Tuesday morning. Hugh stayed at Jessie's on Thursday night and then they stayed at our house the rest of the weekend. Can I just say I love my family? We always have so much fun together! It made me even more excited for Jared to come home!

Noah finally got to meet Uncle Hughie!

Hugh arrived really late on Thursday so we didn't do anything, just said our hello's.

Friday we hung out during the day, went and picked up Vero at the airport and then went to City Creek Center mall downtown. We saw Mitt Romney which was kind of cool. He was at Deseret Book with his wife signing their new book. Veronica met with a friend at City Creek, it was the missionary that baptized her when she joined the LDS church. She hadn't seen this Elder for 14 years!

Trying to keep Noah warm - it was FREEZING that day!!! Utah has such drastic weather changes.

After the mall we all went to Leatherby's together. We love this place. It's a family restaurant that is pretty popular here and is famous for their ice cream. Derek and I always get the same thing, cheese fries and Tracy's Peanut Butter Cup to share. It's so yummy! My aunt Sarahi was able to come too.

Saturday was much warmer, back to normal weather. In the afternoon we all drove up into the mountains to a place called Silver Lake. It's one of my favorite places to take pictures, especially in the Fall! Derek and I also went here on our first official date so it's kind of special to us. But anyways, my family loves pictures so we wanted to do our own family photos again like we did 2 years ago at the Capitol. It was a beautiful day but there was a bit of snow on the ground up there. It was SO sunny which isn't the best for taking pictures but they still turned out great. I took the majority of them but obviously not the ones that I am in. We were a bit rushed because the men had to make it back in time to get ready for Priesthood Session. But it was really fun! Poor Noah was exhausted but we still managed to get some smiling ones of him thanks to Sophia! She was jumping in the air and making him laugh :) I will post a separate post with my favorite pictures from Silver Lake since there will be a lot.

After photos I took Noah home for a much needed nap (this weekend was really hard on him) and Veronica did some more shopping with Jessie while the guys all went to Priesthood together. Well, I got home at 5:00 and I thought he could take a nap and by the time Priesthood was done we could all go to Five Guys to eat together. Since Noah was awake pretty much all day he wasn't able to fall asleep and after 2 hours of trying to get him to sleep I realized I wouldn't be able to go to Five Guys with them. But it was okay. Motherhood brings sacrifices. Everyone went and had a good time. 

I guess they went out for frozen yogurt right after Five Guys.

Sarahi and her kids went too :)

Sunday was more of a relaxed day. Hugh, Vero and I went to the morning session at the Conference Center. Derek stayed home with Noah. What a powerful session! The spirit was so strong. I am going to write a separate post about Conference. Vero had never even been to Temple Square before so after the session we walked around temple square, went to the visitors center, the old tabernacle building... Hugh and Vero stayed to watch the afternoon session as well but I watched it at home.

After conference was over we just hung out and our house. Jessie came over with the kids. We had pizza and played Balderdash! We love that game, it's hilarious! If you like funny games you need to play this. We had some good laughs :) We watched a movie and called it a night. 

Monday was their last day in Salt Lake. Derek took the day off from work. We went to lunch at Red Iguana, another one of our favorites (except for Derek). My family loves good Mexican food! Later on we went to Jessie's to hang out for a while. On the way home we stopped at Sub Zero, a really good ice cream/frozen yogurt place. They make it with liquid nitrogen right there and then so it's fun to watch them make it and it tastes fresh and creamy! That night we just relaxed and watched movies. And they left bright and early the next morning. 

We're so happy they came to visit us. I wish they lived here. I just wish all of both mine and Derek's families lived in the same place. Hugh said he is going to start coming every 2 months... we'll see about that!

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