Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Blendtec Baby!

Yes, we got a Blendtec Blender! Derek has wanted one for months and months but I kept saying "Poor people don't buy $400 blenders!". But it was on sale at Costco and we used our annual Costco return money which covered most of it anyways. But let me tell you.. it was the best decision we've made in a long time!!! I LOVE IT is an understatement.

The reason I decided to cave and just get it was because of these health changes we're making. One day I made a spinach and kale smoothie for Derek and I with our old blender, the Ninja. Here is a picture of that smoothie...

As you can see it's pretty much green almond milk with loaded chunks of kale and spinach that you have to chew after each sip. Not so hot. I told Derek he had to drink it and he was not happy. The funny thing was, after I made it, Derek looked on Youtube only to find a video comparing a spinach and kale smoothie made via the Ninja vs the Blendtec! What are the chances? As the woman drank the smoothie from the Ninja, she described exactly what we felt like we were doing at that very moment, "drinking a salad". Haha. Derek said if we got the Blendtec he would drink healthy smoothies because they would be completely blended up. This pretty much sold me.

I LOVE making juices with it! When you use a stander juicer, it basically squeezes out the juice from the fruits & veggies, and all the solid part, which is full of fiber, goes to waste! The Blendtec actually blends it all up so you're not just getting the juice, you're actually EATING 3 carrots, 2 radishes, 1 tomato, 3 celery stalks, 1 orange, 4 kale leaves... or whatever you put in it! Are you sold yet?

Here is that SAME spinach and Kale smoothie I made earlier with the Ninja, this time made with the Blendtec. Look at the difference in color! This thing is amazing! It can blend up anything.

If you can't tell already, I'm pretty much addicted. I use it at least twice a day usually. I make a fresh juice every morning for Derek and I, and for my mom & Jared if they are around. And I even give some to Noah! He loves them! Think of all the vitamins and nutrients Noah is getting! I'll also make a smoothie for myself later on in the day. This is where I'll load up on the flax, chia seeds, protein powder, oats and that kind of stuff.

Vitamin explosion!


Mmm, strawberry banana oatmeal smoothie made with coconut milk! 

Even though this blender is not cheap, it's an investment in our health. And heck, we've already been through two crappy blenders since we've been married! Third one's the charm I guess, because this one has an 8 year warranty... can't go wrong!

Anyways, I'm really excited about this. The possibilities are endless. We made a delicious taco soup - which was fresh & NOT loaded with sodium & preservatives. And if anything is going to help Derek eat better than I am all for it.

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