Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Well, we had our first baby throw-up experience. We almost made it a year (and through flu season) without this happening. He had a few colds throughout the Winter but never had any flu - like symptoms. On Monday when I got him in the morning there were chunks of food in his crib.. I was like, what the heck? I wondered if he had thrown up.. While I was trying to figure it out, he started making pukey faces, I rushed to the bathroom and he threw up again there. After I nursed him, he threw up again, all over me. A few hours later he seemed like he was feeling better and kept pointing to food, so we thought we'd try to give him something to eat. After he was done eating, he threw up in his high chair. My poor baby!!! I didn't know what to do.. I felt so bad for my little guy. But thankfully, after lunch he seemed much better and didn't puke for the rest of the day. I was also happy that he at least seemed somewhat his normal self most of the day, he wasn't too distressed about being sick. It's like he didn't know he was sick.

Getting some needed rest. 

Whatever bug we caught is going around quick, Jared got sick last night and Elijah did as well (my mom went to Jessie's on Monday and probably brought it over there).

My stomach is feeling funny this morning, I really, really despise vomiting so I'm praying  I won't! This Winter has been the worst for sicknesses around here! I haven't thrown up from being sick since I was a kid and then this year I've had the flu two times and maybe going on number 3 now? Ugh. I guess this is what happens when you have kids and you babysit sick kids, and most people around you have kids. Lame.

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