Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Healthy Changes!

I don't know exactly where this came from but I suddenly have this intense drive to be much more healthy in all aspects of my life. Let me back it up a little (I like details!)...

I gained exactly 30 pounds during my pregnancy with Noah. I started at 121 and ended at 151. They say if you are at a healthy BMI then you should gain between 25 & 35 pounds. So I made it my goal to stay under 155, which I accomplished. I was VERY happy with the amount I gained. However, I thought it was going to be HARD work to get rid of that baby weight afterwards. I was very, very wrong.

I weighed myself the day after we came home from the hospital and to my surprise I was already down to 138. I wasn't expecting to lose 13 pounds with a 6 pound baby, but I wasn't complaining! After this, I didn't weigh myself for a long time and then I only did every month or so because I didn't expect to lose much more weight since I wasn't eating very well and not exercising at all. But again, to my surprise, every time I weighed myself, I lost more and more weight! It was like, what the heck, I lost another 3 pounds in 1 month? It was weird, but awesome. Noah was born in April and I was wearing my pre-pregnancy jeans by the Summer. And I was back in the 120's (pounds) in no time at all.

Anyways, my point in all this is that even though I actually weigh less than I did when I got pregnant,  I don't look the same. I don't have the muscle that I used to. I look "skinny" but I haven't been giving my body what it needs. There were two times since I gave birth almost a year ago that I felt motivated to exercise -- when I was "allowed to" at 6 weeks post-pardom and when I signed up for a 5K back in August. But both times, the drive left almost instantly. I'm grateful and happy that all the baby weight literally just kept coming off by itself but I also think that's one of the reasons why I didn't feel motivated. But now, I REALLY feel a strong desire and excitement to eat whole, cut out processed foods, and be more natural. Something just feels different this time. I'm praying I will continue to feel like this.

I've been doing a little exercise for about a month now. I haven't been able to go to the gym quite often because of Noah's schedule but I have been running 3 times a week usually. I want to sign up for a 10K and I need to start working out at home. I've started eating so much better! I've been cooking really yummy and clean meals for my family - it helps that Jared really wants to eat healthy as well (and Derek is starting to!). I've made several healthy, clean desserts that are DELISH! I find it really fun to try new healthy dessert recipes!

We watched a movie called "Hungry For Change" a couple weeks ago that was really, really good! And I felt like I was supposed to watch it at this point in my life because everything it was saying was exactly what I had been thinking about that week. So it boosted me even more! I woke up the next day feeling so much more positive and ready for change. I am excited for our fresh start with health and giving our bodies more goodness! It is a little overwhelming at times because there are so many changes that I want to make. But I just remind myself that I can't wake up tomorrow and expect myself to never eat sugar or anything processed again. It all comes in time, and I believe that you need to find a balance that works for you as you work through your health journey and discover new things. It's all about making healthy changes here and there. The more you ADD in good things, the more not so healthy things will fall out of your life.

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