Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Pregnancy #2

In the middle of September we found out we were expecting a baby at the end of May! It seemed like a long ways away. And although we were super thrilled, we were okay with the wait :) It was a little bit different than the feeling I had when I first found out I was pregnant with Noah.

The beginning of my pregnancy was a bit more rough than my pregnancy with Noah. I had some nausea (but thankfully no throwing up again) and extreme fatigue. But I also had a toddler I had to take care of. It didn't last too long though. I also had some crazy cravings in the beginning, which I didn't really have with Noah. Everything from burgers to Pho to Indian food.

I was also gaining weight at a much faster weight. I was a bit worried to be honest. I thought at the rate I was going, I'd end up gaining much more this time. But by my second trimester it slowed down and by the end of my pregnancy I had only gained about 5 more pounds than I did with Noah. But I started out around 7 pounds less than I was with Noah - so I ended up around the same. Kind of funny how that worked.

Another comparison - with Noah I felt really amazing the whole time, during the day at least. The last month or so was difficult to sleep but it really wasn't so bad (it was mostly that Noah would kick me so hard and when I would be laying down it hurt me. Well Oliver did that too, and worse!) I LOVED being pregnant and missed it after Noah was born.  But with Oliver, I started to not feel the best right when I entered my third trimester. I just felt big, and tired, with some sciatic nerve pain and was anxious to get my non-pregnant body back. I also had a few weird symptoms/pains in the end that I didn't get with Noah. But overall, I'd say I have relatively easy pregnancies and I shouldn't complain.

We found out we were having a boy in December and we had a fun gender reveal party. At first I was kind of disappointed because I've wanted a girl since the beginning. But that quickly went away and obviously I was excited to meet our baby boy.

The name game was the main issue I have with boys. I knew how hard of a time we had with Noah and was really not looking forward to that again. Especially after we had already picked our only boy name we truly loved - now what were we supposed to do. We had a few on our list that we kind of liked but nothing was really standing out to us. We would ask Noah what we should name the baby and gave him some of the names we liked - I liked Luca and would ask if we should name baby Luca. Well, that name stuck and he would always say the baby's name was Luca. Even after our baby was born he would still tell people his name was Luca! Haha.

During my pregnancy, Noah was always really interested in my belly. He loved to touch and look at my belly and seemed to somehow understand that there was a baby inside. He liked to give the baby (my belly) hugs and talk to baby. He would always demand that I get the baby out! He said he wanted to hold him and play with him. It was really sweet. But I anticipated that once the baby was here things would change.

My pregnancy went much faster this time thankfully, and I'm thankful we had no complications and I was again able to work the entire time. In fact, I shot a wedding 3 weeks before my due date!

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