Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Fall 2014

We finished up the Steenblik garden in October. We felt super blessed to be able to share and participate in our friends' garden. We loved it so much (especially me!). Jake and Jenny are such great friends to us and we're lucky to have them in our life. Their family garden is beautiful (and huge) and it was so much fun learning and seeing the garden grow over the warm months. The nice thing is that it's practically across the street from our house - just behind the park.

We brought in so much produce and Jenny was able to teach me how to can! I was able to do lots of canning which makes me so so happy. In October we were able to pick some pumpkins and squash for some festive decorating and pumpkin carving - and lots of squash eating. Noah also loved to play at the garden with his friend Scarlett. Looking forward to starting again next Spring!

These pears and plums were from our tree in the backyard


Noah's second Halloween was a fun one. We went to the county jail again with grandma Connie. They have Halloween festivities going on for kids. Noah was able to ride on a train!

My mom and the Olsen's came over one day to carve pumpkins.

I couldn't figure out Noah's costume for a while. Since he's so small, it was hard to find a costume that  was small enough for him but wasn't a baby costume. I ended up just going to the DI and getting some stuff to make a hippie costume the day before Halloween. It actually worked out good and ended up being really cute. Super easy.

We took him trick or treating for the first time. It was so much fun! We only went to a few houses around the neighborhood, mostly people from the ward. But he loved it.

There was however some bittersweet feelings about trick or treating. Since it was the first time we actually really allowed him to eat candy... he actually learned the word candy and it all went down hill from there. No, not really. But that was when he really discovered the sweet taste of "nanny" as he calls it. And started asking for candy every day.

But obviously trick or treating is a big part of a kids' life - it was for me! We really loved taking him out. It's so cute watching them experience things for the first time.

After trick or treating, we went to Michael & Leisa's place to say hi and eat some chili. Noah always loves going to see grandpa and grammies.

Our last stop was at a Halloween party. Jake and Jenny invited us to their friend's party. They had the movie Hotel Transylvania playing on a projector and had lots of Halloween treats. Noah liked playing with the other kids.

Our sweet niece, Sophia Olsen got baptized on November 2nd. I can't believe this girl is 8! She has grown up so fast it is insane. She's such a sweetheart and I'm so grateful for her. She has always made me laugh and she's one smart cookie.

She was baptized by her dad, John and we were all there to support her on her special day. Congrats Sophia!

November 2nd was significant to us in another way as well. After the baptism we took Noah to the Humane Society. We decided earlier that week that we were going to get a cat for Noah. He has always loved both cats and dogs. But we decided a dog would be too much work for us right now. A cat would be just perfect for us (so we thought at least)

We were there for a while and could not decide which one to get - do we go with an older cat, a 1 year old or an itty bitty kitty. We fell in love with a tan-ish colored kitten and decided to bring her home. We were hesitant about getting a kitten because Noah wanted to pick her up and carry her around every waking moment. She didn't mind though, she was not a timid cat. We figured she would grow so fast that it would be okay.

At first it was a lot of work but it got a bit easier as far as watching Noah around her. The bigger she gets the harder it is for Noah to pick her up. And of course we made sure to teach him to be nice and gentle (not saying he's never tried to pull her tail... ).

Fast forward a few months and we're a little on the fence about what to do with Jovi. She can be very aggressive and extremely playful, although it doesn't seem like she's playing - it seems more like she hates us and wants to kill us. We've been trying to give it time but we're just not sure what we're going to do when the baby is here because she can be dangerous. We end up having to put her downstairs for a lot of the day because she just attacks us. Which in turn probably makes her more aggressive since she's not getting enough attention? So it's a tricky situation. Noah really, really loves her still despite her scratching him up daily. So I would feel really bad giving her away. Not sure what to do!

My friend, Jen from school took our family photos this year. We needed some cute announcement ideas for baby Finch #2. We did them at Murray Park. They turned out cute. Thanks Caylia Photo! 

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