Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Summer Calgary Trip

I can't believe how behind I am on my blog. It's December 29th and I haven't blogged since the Summer. So the next few posts will be the result of me writing super quick to try to get the year finished.

We hit up Calgary in the middle of July for a quick but fun, long weekend. One of my good friend's from High School, Mandi, was getting married. So we figured it was the perfect opportunity to make a trip up there. My little cousin, Koby also came with us so he could spend time with cousins up there. Taking out time for driving, we were only there for 3 days. So we were definitely rushed trying to see everyone and do everything we wanted to do. But it was still worth it. Next time we'll try to stay longer.

We stayed with the Velazquez family - it was so great to spend time with my aunt & uncle and my cousins who I don't see very often. They are such a fun, loving family. You can really feel the spirit in their home. And their place is right by the new Calgary temple! Maybe that's why :)

We got to go to the Calgary Stampede for a few hours the first night we arrived. We met with my good friend Andreia, and her boyfriend. That was really nice - Andreia was like a sister to me and I can't imagine going through Jr High and High School without her.

On Saturday we were doing wedding stuff all day so we were able to spend time with my friends pretty much all day. They all loved meeting Noah. The wedding was really beautiful. Mandi and Hunter seem so happy together! I'm so happy for them.

We went to attend my old ward on Sunday, and I saw many familiar faces, including Bishop and Robin Purnell! It brought back a lot of memories. There are/were so many awesome people in that ward.

We were able to visit with a few families that I love, including the Hawryluk's and the Noblet's. They were both in the 13th ward when Jared and I lived there and they were both such amazing role models to us in our youth. I have so much love, gratitude and admiration for them!

We were also able to make a visit over to Gayle and Fraser's house. Debbie was there also. What wonderful people they are. They welcomed us with homemade cookies and gifts for us to take home. It was nice for them to finally meet Derek and Noah. It seems like as I get older, the more appreciation and understanding I have for my extended family. I'm grateful for them.

On Monday we spent the day with the Velazquez's. We went to COP (Surprisingly it was my first time really up there). They had a slide-a-ma-bob-thingy that was pretty fun. We also met with Enoc for his lunch break and had Chinese buffet. I'm glad we had that extra time to spend with them.

Noah didn't do too bad on the drive. Especially for the fact that he had all four molars popping through during the trip. We drove mostly at night but both ways we stopped in a hotel for a few hours.

I'm so glad we were able to visit Calgary! While I was there it really hit me how blessed I was while I was living there. Looking back, I had so many wonderful, amazing people that were there for me. I know that Heavenly Father was truly looking after me and blessed me so much so that I could eventually be led to the life that I have today. For this, I am forever grateful. 

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