Sunday, April 13, 2014

Noah is 12 Months!!!

Can't believe it but my little Noah is ONE! He's growing up so fast! It's so weird to think that he's already on his way to 13 months now. I'm going to start writing every 2-3 months now instead of monthly since he's getting older and less changes will be happening each month.

I've made the decision that I'm definitely going to keep breastfeeding as long as Noah still wants to (and as long as I keep producing enough milk for him). He's not in any way showing signs of readiness to wean so why cut him off? The last couple of months we've been giving him a bottle with 2-4 oz of formula at night after he nurses, so now that he's old enough we switched over to whole milk last weekend. He likes to nurse for a really long time and likes to play with my hair while doing it.

Noah is still eating fairly well,  however he didn't have as big of an appetite this month. I contribute it to teething, being sick & maybe because he's getting older. I read that sometimes their appetite drops around this age. But he still eats basically anything. There are some things he prefers more than other things though. And it seems to change every few weeks. This month he was really into oranges, bananas, yogurt, tomatoes, and meat. Things he wasn't into as much were blueberries, eggs, pasta & broccoli. He is absolutely LOVING water and drinks lately.  We cannot sit down to eat without a drink of water for him. He points to his water after every bite sometimes. So I finally found the perfect cup for him.. it's small enough and has handles so he can hold it easily AND it has a straw which he loves and makes it easier for him. He can drink from this one all by himself and I don't have to worry about him dumping it. He also got a new one for his birthday that is impossible to spill.

Steel-cut oatmeal with blackberries & bananas

Getting his greens in!

He said his first meaningful word other than dada or mama -- banana! When I ask him if he wants a banana he says, "nana, nana!" He understands simple things like, turn off the light, shut the door, come, brush your hair/brush mommy's hair, wave bye-bye, clap your hands, where's your head, don't touch, no, good job, where's your toy, outside, fold your arms for prayer.. many things like that. It's amazing how much they understand. He points A LOT and when it's food/drink he points and goes, "ehh". He just signed milk and eat (and meant it) for the first time this week which I was surprised because I've really been slacking.

This whole month we've been waiting for him to take off walking. If I would have finished this post on his actual birthday I would have said he's taken 1 step and is SO close to walking. But in just 3 days he went from only taking 1 occasional step to walking short distances! So we are officially in walking teritory! The timing was perfect as it was on the day of his birthday party.

Again, if I finished this on the 9th I would've said no new teeth. But now one of his top teeth is breaking through. This will be his third tooth. And there's 3 more on top that you can tell will be coming soon.

This month has just been all over the place, ha. The beginning of the month was the time change which really messed things up and then he got sick twice. He had some pretty horrible nights and a lot of crazy days. He's having a hard time getting back to his normal routine and to sleeping all night. He still takes 2 naps most days but lately some days he's only having one. He's kind of in transition again, not completely ready to drop morning nap but needs to. He currently wakes up in the mornings anywhere from 6:30 - 8:15 and goes to bed between 7:00 - 8:00 usually. I really don't like how his schedule is out of wack. He hasn't slept through the night in a few weeks either. Let's hope this month things pick back up :) Oh and we started giving him a blanket this month. And yesterday we decided to drop the sleep sack because it's getting too hot.

Sleepy, sick baby

This happened a lot during the sick week. 

Noah loves balloons, dogs, music, playing peekaboo, dropping things, watching people drop things, going outside, being chased, chasing you, doorknobs, finding tiny pieces of things on the floor and putting them in his mouth, getting into things he knows he's not supposed to, taking things out of something & putting them back in, pushing things, pulling things, opening & closing things...

Like his new hat?

He loves this doggy. It's actually Sophia's but it's been here for months. 

I forgot to mention this on our last post but the separation anxiety has arrived. At least that's what I'm assuming this is? He's not afraid of going with other people but he does not like to be away from me when it's just me and him. He is not doing good at playing by himself lately for this reason. He wants to be held a lot (getting sick did not help this) and sometimes I can't even go to the bathroom without him crying for dear life! Haha. He loves to figure out how things wotk, and he's good at it. He's kind of a little rebel - laughing when I tell him no or ask him not to do something, purposely disobeying.. we're definitely entering toddlerhood. Noah really has such a strong personality.. he's a very determined, strong willed, high energy, curious, temperamental, stubborn, attention seeking, smart, mischievous, wants what he wants kind of boy! I know some of these will be good qualities when he's older, so I'm glad, but it definitely gives me more work as a mom.

haha, this is his naughty side

Another sick pic. Normally he's not allowed to watch TV but when he didn't want to do anything else and we were both exhausted, I tried to get him to watch a show, but after a few minutes he was back to crying.

A few more from this month..

Getting sleepy!!

Coloring or eating crayons?

Absolutely loves this face he makes!

Walk at Liberty Park one Saturday

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