Thursday, April 24, 2014

The New Aquarium

The Living Planet Aquarium closed a little while ago and they have rebuilt a new one down in Draper. It looked HUGE from the outside and there was quite a lot of hype about it. It opened last month but we heard there were still some exhibits that were't completely finished. We also heard that if you went now then you could come back one more time for free before August 31st. So we thought it would be fun to take Noah.

We had a pretty good time. But I have to admit that it wasn't all that much different or cooler than the old aquarium. There were a few new things but I think we just had really high hopes. And who knows, maybe once everything is finished it will be much better and feel more complete. It was still worth it of course (especially since we can go back for free again this Summer).

We always enjoy taking Noah to new places. And he's really getting interested in animals. He liked the otters the most, I think. And the penguins. But it's hard for him to find a tiny seahorse in a little fish tank sized aquarium on the wall, and to understand that there is a different thing in each little aquarium on each wall.. know what I mean? I think he'll enjoy it more when he's older.

This was an indoor garden/jungle room kind of thing? I think they are going to put birds later on..

He did like the bigger tanks, easier for him to see what's going on. He kept trying to touch the fish through the glass when they came close to his face.

In the new shark tunnel. This part was pretty cool, but I found the water a bit muggy and dark, it was hard to see when the fish swam far away.

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