Sunday, April 27, 2014

Over-Night Changes for Mr. Noah!

It's crazy but I swear the day Noah turned one, it was like a switch went on or something. He has so many new things already and it's only been a couple weeks! So I just had to blog about this stuff since I'm not doing monthly posts anymore.

The biggest change is that he is walking everywhere! I can't believe that he went from only taking 2 or 3 steps to walking around the house in just a few days. It's amazing! And he's so tiny, so it just looks so cute! He totally ditched crawling already.

The next biggest thing is that he's suddenly picking up new words every few days! He says:
banana = "nana"
hello = "hawaaoo" (on the phone)
bye-bye = "ba baa"
water = "wawa"
flower = "fala"
He also tries to say doggy (still comes out as dada), ball and truck (sounds like "cha") a lot. 

Not only communicating by words but he's signing milk ALL THE TIME. We use this sign when I'm going to nurse him. He finally started signing milk right before his birthday but now that he knows how to ask for milk he tries to use it to his advantage. Haha. If I'm bringing him into his room to play, he points to the rocking chair and signs milk. Or if I'm getting him ready for a nap he signs for milk even though he normally doesn't nurse before naps. What a little stinkbug.

He's also learning things so quickly and understanding SO MUCH! Just the other day I showed him where his belly button is and now he responds to you when you ask, "Noah, where is your belly button?". He lifts his shirt up and shows you. And he can show you where yours is too. And when you ask him what a doggy says, he makes barking sounds.

He's also just really copying what we're doing. We were playing outside and Derek had two sticks and tapped them together, Noah picked them up and started doing the same thing. Or I started dribbling one of his balls a little on the floor and he started copying me.

Just little things like that that just melt your heart! He's entering into a really fun stage and I know he's just going to continue to amaze us each day. It just makes you so proud when you watch your little one learn new things. We are crazy over that munchkin!

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