Sunday, April 13, 2014

Roseola Virus

A few posts back I wrote about Noah getting sick and throwing up for the first time.  Well, a few days after he got over that he started acting sick again.  This time he was feverish, not eating, and acting extremely irritable - basically crying non-stop. After a few days of this and no signs of any other symptoms or teeth coming through we took him to the doctor.  She said his throat seemed red and sore but everything else was normal.  She said her gut instinct was that he had Roseola. Basically they get fussy and have a fever for 3-7 days then break out in a bad rash all over.

I thought, there's no way he's getting a rash, that's not what he has. The next day when Noah woke up I ripped open his pajamas to check his skin and sure enough he had little red dots all over his tummy.  I couldn't believe for once the doctor was right! And this was our new pediatrician, I think we'll be sticking with her.

The rash spread just about all over his body but it only lasted 2 days.

The whole time he was sick, and even days after he was so attached and upset that he would not go down in his crib for naps. So he got into a bad habit of falling asleep on me, which before would absolutely never happen (unless he was breastfeeding), even if I tried. So now he's having a hard time getting out of this. It's going to take some work.

He really enjoyed being rocked to sleep. So odd. He usually does not like to cuddle or be rocked or anything like that. This was the only way I could get him to sleep. Poor thing. And poor Noah, too.. :) just kidding. I like cuddling with him and seeing his beautiful sleeping face, but obviously it's hard when you have a million things to do and all you can do is sit there.

Waiting to see the doctor. He seemed better for a few minutes, distracted by the new toys

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